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Monday, July 11, 2016

Baffled By Victory

For months we have been hearing about the presidential candidates and what a debacle the race is.

"Sorry I hit you so hard."
Donald Trump entered the primary on the Republican ticket in June 2015, and has been in the lead ever since.  Much to the chagrin of dyed-in-the-wool Republicans, he has been vocal in his intentions and crass in his actions.

Those are not necessarily bad things when discussing Republicans.  True conservative Republicans are best described as stoic.  For eons we heard about fighting Democrats by Marquis of Queensberry rules.

Those rules were established in the sport of boxing to make things fair, eliminating dirty fighting.  Unfortunately, the Democrats don’t follow those rules of fair play, and even wind up lying about it.

With the scales tipped out of kilter, Republicans have been boxed into near oblivion over the past decade and seem to be asking for more of the same - an ardent attempt to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory.

Republican purists believe all their fellow Republicans are cut form the same cloth.  Anti-abortion, pro-gun, anti-gay, pro-religion, anti-clean energy, pro-big business, and so on, are the way every Republican is expected to think.

Some of my favorite columnists and pundits have left me behind to express their displeasure that Americans – by a wide margin – favor Mr. Trump over his Republican opponents, and they are not ashamed to do so.

But by calling people such names, because I don’t walk in lockstep with their opinions and desires, they are alienating us thereby aiding and abetting the “enemy.”

Complaints arose about Trump berating a handicapped reporter, maligning illegal aliens, and calling for national security by closing the immigration floodgates.  None of these are punishable by death, however you wouldn’t know it by listening to the anointed speak.

George Will, Charles Krauthammer, Glenn Beck, L. Brent Bozell, Mona Charen, Dana Loesch, William Krystol, Ed Meese, Katie Pavlich, and a host of others, have made it clear that their opinions should matter more than mine.

They have been beating up Trump and his supporters because they say he is a Democrat-in-disguise, and not to be trusted.  They contend he flip-flopped on issues, and he is a friend of Hillary Clinton.  Oh, my.

Still, the cerebral elite two paragraphs above sat silently by when Barack Hussein Obama ran for office, became President, and ran for a second term.  Perhaps it’s because they wanted to avoid being labeled racists.  Perhaps they simply forgot about their Republican buddies just elected to the Congress and Senate who sat on their hands just to ensure re-election.  Perhaps they were unaware that President Ronald Reagan reached across “the aisle” to have regular lunches with Democrat Speaker Tip O’Neill.

In any case, they amusingly patter-on about how the Democrats are eating their own and exhibit schadenfreude as a result.

Trump is making promises and may deliver or not, if elected.  Yet, he is offering more hope to frustrated Americans who have been waiting for the Republican-majority Congress and Senate to do more than file their nails for the past several years.

The idea is for traditional Republicans to capitalize on winning elections and subsequent seats.  They now have a huge majority of what they want, and instead of embracing the masses, they would rather alienate those voters because they’re not as smart as the pundits.

That may just be a way to congratulate President Hillary.