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Monday, March 14, 2016

Pull My Finger

For some years now we have been hearing about the benefits of fiber.  Advertisers use words like “regular,” and “healthy.”  Those are code words.

In case you don’t use fiber, regular and healthy mean you’ll be in the bathroom quite often.  Regular describes the trips you’ll make – roughly every 1 ½ hours, and healthy means you will be sitting most of the day.  This is known as the laws of unintended consequences.  Or maybe not.  But, I digress.

A code word I now need to use is “offensive.”  That word describes the environment during, and immediately after, your visit to the porcelain convenience.

We have a spray ready and waiting for such emergencies.  But because I don’t do a lot of the grocery shopping that spray is marginal.

The aerosol can I picked up was labeled “fresh linen.”  Upon spraying, I realized that fresh linen smelled like nothing I had ever smelled before, and it was nearly ineffective.  Its weak aromatic properties force me to apply the fresh linen air neutralizer to the walls in the form of spray paint.

Finally being able to open the door, both my sainted wife and Smokey the cat became weak and were on the verge of fainting.

A new solution was in order.

This time I was going to make the selection from the air freshener department at my local supermarket.  There, I discovered why we had fresh linen flavor available on the toilet tank.

I came across such aerosols as “cashmere woods,” “summer rain,” and “Hawaiian breeze.”  None of those appealed to my thought association senses so I decided to try them out.

Hawaiian breeze smelled like pineapples with a touch of lime and mango, summer rain reminded me of a wet shower stall, while cashmere woods harkened me to damp sawdust in my workshop.

I opted for “pine vistas” which was the last air freshener I was allowed to spray before the store manager suggested it was time for me to leave his hoity-toity establishment.

Evidently this assortment of sprays was melding together to create an airborne ocean of smells that, when combined, resembled following a garbage truck.

The pine vistas odor eliminator was working well until my sainted wife complained it too closely resembled a Christmas tree.  I never knew her to be anti-fir, but you never really know someone.

On the other hand, Smokey enjoys anything better than unadulterated fiber results.  He’s even using it for his litter box, now.