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Monday, April 13, 2015


Some years ago the phrase du jour was, “That’s TMI.”  No, no.  You’re thinking of TMJ, the jaw problem that was all the rage in the 80’s and 90’s.  TMI is an abbreviation for “too much information.”

TMI used to be interjected into conversations when the listener thought they were being bombarded by more information than they needed.  In other words, they were performing the service of censors.

A good example of TMI is, “So I got me a five-minute shower this morning, but it took me nearly 20-mintues to clean my back hair from the drain.”

“Ugh!  That’s TMI!” was the normal response to that statement.  Of course the listener issued a fake sense of disgust because, as mammals, we all have hair somewhere on our bodies.  That hair falls out and winds-up clogging the drain of the shower.  Amen.

But the you-know-them-types of women, who looked as though they just stepped out of a trailer with their bouffant hair-dos and makeup that seems to have been applied by Ringling Brothers, are the first ones to cough up the letters TMI.  But, I digress.

Those aren’t the people to whom I’m referring in this space.  No, the subjects of today’s blog are the ones who leave out important details and still feel it necessary to over explain the unnecessary stuff.

“I’ll meet you for breakfast at 8:00 AM in the morning.”

That sentence contains TMI.  Traditionally, I eat breakfast in the morning.  I also recall from my school days that 8:00 AM is in the morning.  Where, would be a better detail to add.

Another fine illustration is when people tell you where they live or are from.  “I was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan.”

TMI, again.

I’m certain I would have guessed that the Detroit to which they were speaking was located in Michigan.

The same holds true for Pittsburgh, Tampa, Schenectady, and Los Angeles.  You do not need to add the state as if the listener just awoke from a coma only to learn that Denver was moved to Illinois.

I know this sounds petty but, those same folks who feel compelled to include TMI omit critical details about other not-so-obvious things like locations, parking availability, or quantities left.  I hate to drive 45 miles only to discover they just sold the last one, or they moved to a new, more convenient location.

In any case, pay close attention to speakers to verify my concerns.  And remember to return for another new topic next Monday.  TMI.