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Monday, August 4, 2014

Game of Stupid

People say such stupid things in hope that you will play along to look equally stupid.  I, on the other hand, am much too smart for all those games.

For example, one Christmas season, a neighbor sat on her porch and watched me decorate my house.  Miles of lights, candy canes, garland, and reindeer, adorned my property, along with a tasteful Santa.

All-the-while, this woman, who considers placing one electric candle in a window decorating, had the nerve to mosey over and attempt to explain where I went wrong by beginning with the words, “Sometimes less is more.”

There is no such thing as less is more, just as there are no examples where fewer Christmas lights are better than more.  Less money is not better than more.  Amen.

Another stupid phrase is “I love you, but I don’t like you.”

Such words can only escape the mouth of an idiot.  Try explaining why you “love prime rib, but don’t like it.”  The logic doesn’t follow.

Then there are the words to make idle conversation such as, “Is it hot enough for you?”

People enjoy saying that when they see you perspiring to the point your sweat runs down the small of your back and hits the waistband where it is summarily soaked up by the shorts and underwear.  I suppose it is an ice-breaker, still it is not funny.  It is stupid.

Another string of words that usually grate my nerves is, “Have a good one.”  Not being sure as to what these gleeful folks are referring, I usually thank them but think I do have a good one, just not a very large one.  Perhaps they are talking about my home or car or retirement check.

Now we examine all those self-righteous dopes in the environmental movement.  They are quick and loud to tell you that you need to conserve resources such as fuel and water.  Unfortunately, those dolts are also quick to jump on an airplane, or into a car, to travel a protest, using copious amounts of fuel and water enroute.  That’s hypocritical and stupid.

Television weather folks enjoy carping about the lack of rain during long dry periods.  Each day they ask rhetorical questions about when relief from the current drought will occur.  But, the second it starts raining, their query is, “When will it finally end?”  That’s plain stupid.

Giving unemployed people seemingly endless benefits in the form of money and food debit cards is equally stupid.  We all fall on bad times but, those times should be motivation to restart your goals and life, and strive to do better.  Short-term help is usually a necessity; long-term bennies are often a curse.  Anything you subsidize, you will get more of.  Paying someone not to work will usually succeed.

Motorcycles are fun and economical, and seem to be nearly everywhere.  Cars are more prevalent and larger and sturdier and safer but, car passengers are forced to wear seatbelts because the guvment wants to keep you safe.  If you fail to wear a seatbelt, you will be summarily fined and, in some states, given points on your driver’s license.

On the other hand, if you ride a motorcycle in many states, you do not need to wear a helmet.  This stupid move assumes riding a motorcycle assumes the scooter is safer or guvment officials don’t care about your safety.  In any case, no one should pity bikers with severe head injuries, or those who met a worse fate because they didn’t wear a protective device.

There are tons of examples of stupid to cite – too many for this space.  Just look around and recognize what doesn’t make sense.  And refuse to be sucked into the game of stupid.