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Monday, December 23, 2013

Ask, and Ye Shall Receive

If we’re learning anything from society, it is that equality is not the right to be equal.  Yeah, I know that doesn’t make sense, but I still don’t have enough status in the world to make up the rules so…
A guy named Phil Robertson is a fellow that started a business making duck calls in Louisiana a bunch of years ago.  He was very successful and wound up catching the notice of some “reality show” television producers.  They created a show based around this duck call business and the family that makes those calls.
It is a light-hearted, family-oriented show that involves some sort of adventure and associated mishap, and each show ends with the family seated around the dinner table, breaking bread and praying thanks.
The premise and execution is so successful that merchandise related to this franchise likely rival them to the NFL for licensed goods.  Shirts, sunglasses, cup holders, seat covers, Christmas CD’s, you name it, is for sale because the message has met the anticipation of the viewers, in camouflage.  
The network – A&E – is reaping the benefits.  They regularly run marathons of these shows for hours-on-end to allow regular viewers to recap, and new watchers to catch-up.  It is a win-win for A&E.
That is, until just recently.  Phil Robertson, while giving an interview for GQ Magazine, made a statement that ruffled the proverbial feathers of the gay and lesbian community because Mr. Robertson, as an Evangelical Christian, has an opinion as to how homosexual relations are held in the teachings of the Bible. 
He was asked about this and he gave an honest answer, according to him.  Unfortunately, the now, not-so-tolerant gay and lesbian community who so desired everyone be tolerant before being gay and lesbian was fashionable, is not as tolerant, as one would hope, toward Phil Robertson.
Mr. Robertson didn’t spew hatred about flames of Hell, or shackles in prison, like Muslim religions do when talking about homosexuals.  Nonetheless, A&E felt compelled to distance themselves from this brouhaha until the dust settles.
Unfortunately, Mr. Robertson’s family is standing firmly behind him, the way any civil, respectable family should.
It is the right of A&E to not air Mr. Robertson’s show, just as it is Mr. Robertson’s right to take his show to another, competing network.  This will leave an opening for a gay and lesbian program that will likely do very well (tongue-in-cheek.)
I dare say that I am having trouble imagining a compendium of homosexual viewers tuning-in each week to see Mr. Robertson and his camouflaged kin in their mischievous adventures involving beehives, beaver dams, squirrel hunting, or ducks.  So, who exactly the real offended parties are seem to be a mystery, although gays and lesbians appear to be more equal when it comes to who is more easily offended.  But, A&E is crying corporate crocodile tears for those the mean words that exited the hairy mouth of Neanderthal Phil.
The real bigots seem to be the intolerant gays and lesbians.