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Monday, November 25, 2024


   They hate you, and they’re deaf.

This is likely where you’re asking yourself, “To whom is this old fart referring?”

Glad you asked.

We recently finished with an election cycle that seemingly lasted for years; that’s because it did.

Leading up to the early midsummer debate, Democrats were agog that their candidate was a well-liked incumbent. Of course, you know the rest of this story.

Joseph Robinette Biden performed so poorly that buzzards appeared to hover above the stage awaiting a fresh meal. His opponent, Donald J. Trump, seemingly ice skated through debate, looking like a gold medal Winter Olympian.

Immediately thereafter, the mainstream media (MSM) were complicit with the usual characters shading any and all deficiencies exhibited by Biden. If you didn’t watch the debate, you would believe Biden left Trump weeping, in a fetal position, on the stage.

For days thereafter, the MSM handily controlled the narrative of each and every news cycle praising Biden for using only a small portion of his well-honed debating skills – skills that Biden himself insisted propelled him through his half-century guvment career.

Meanwhile, that same media cabal derided Trump, calling him names while referring to him as “weird,” “Hitler,” “Nazi,” and “a fascist.”

It was an historic time in that such vitriol as this had never been witnessed before. Ever. Trump needed to be removed from considered for the presidency, he should not be allowed to be able to impose his bigoted, racist, fascist, misogynistic, and xenophobic policies. Period.

In fact, two unstable individuals attempted to assassinate Trump, perhaps a gesture of saving civilization from the MSM manufactured idea of an ogre. Although the average American could not define a fascist, they knew one when they saw one – or were told what a fascist was supposed to be.

In any case, Democrat politicians were quick to Biden’s defense to assure us our lying eyes were, well, lying. What we saw during the bloodbath – uh, debate – was merely a seasoned politician having a “bad night.” Sure.

News readers on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, and the like, eagerly assured any attentive American that Biden was “at the top of his game,” with the White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, averting 80-year old Biden regularly ran circles around youngsters much like herself. You betcha.

This is what a normal, polite society refers to as “lack of candor.” In other words, “lying.”

Everyone knew what they saw, as well as what was happening before their very eyes. Sane people were hoping Biden and Dr. Jill were shopping for a nursing home.

But because Trump was taking the lead by leaps and bounds, more slander and libel were in order. Since assassin’s bullets were ineffective and the narrative was weak, much more drastic methods were called for in order to protect all the lofty accomplishments Biden and his puppeteer made thus far.

After all, we had auto manufacturers cranking out electric vehicles (EVs), the military successfully getting soldiers infighting between the races, arguing over tribalism in society, screaming demands for murdering more babies, students insisting all Jews should be exterminated, a proxy war with Russia, and foreign countries buying up copious tracts of American farm land. How great is all that?

Skipping ahead to the 2024 elections, the Democrats somehow realized not all the American people were as stupid as they made them out to be. Resorting to attacking not only Trump, but the voters themselves, Dems attempted to shame people for ‘voting their conscience.’ We’ll have none of that stuff around here!

Pulling the rug out from Biden enroute to the election, the smarmy Democrats magically substituted his current vice president, Kamala Harris, for the presidential ticket. Harris was generally thought to be an “empty suit,” mere window dressing because of her annoying laugh and her gift for talking down to adults.

Considering herself the smartest person in any room, she came off as arrogant, especially during interviews when asked tough questions. She often quickly turned the tables on the interviewer in attempt to appear superior. Thank goodness she was usually unsuccessful.

This public display of the real Kamala Harris ultimately led to her political demise. Not answering questions, being verbally combative, with a dash of haughtiness all contributed to helping voters decide for whom to cast their ballot. She never held an actual press conference during her abbreviated presidential run. She did, however, spend lots of time on friendly-territory mass media venues fielding softball questions.

Financially challenged Oprah Winfrey

Even Oprah, and some unknown, Sunny Hostin, desperately attempted to save Harris during awkward television interviews by throwing Harris verbal opportunities in the form of life preservers. It’s too bad Harris was overly self-consumed to feel she needed saving.

And now we have arrived at the point of new names and titles being issued: President-Elect Donald J. Trump, Vice President- Elect J.D. Vance, Former Vice President Kamala Harris, along with campaign assistants Has-Been Barack Hussein Obama, Check Cashing Beyoncé, Meaningless Michelle Obama, and Wanna-be Influencers Joy Bayhar, Whoopi Goldberg, plus MSNBC’s sycophantic Morning Joe Scarborough and his sidekick, Mika.

Normal people would take this opportunity to regroup in an effort to gather information as a way to analyze why this landslide victory went to Donald Trump. But you should note that I began this paragraph with the word “Normal.”

The Democratic Left is looking at the voters and see one thing: imbecility. Yes, they think you are too stupid to come out of the rain.

Throughout the entire election campaign season we heard pollsters tell us what were the biggest issues on people’s minds. Those polls repeatedly ranked in this order: economy, inflation, and illegal immigration.

On the other hand, Leftist Democrats insisted people were more concerned with: aborting babies, environmental issues, aborting babies, aiding Palestine, keeping America’s borders open to all, as well as aborting babies.

As is evident, those are two divergent views to taxpayers, and the votes reflected the desires of discerning voters.

Here we are a few weeks after the people have spoken. Republicans are eager to fix the things the Biden administration had intentionally broken over the last four-years. Dems are doubling down insisting they didn’t yell loudly enough.

California’s Gavin Newsom, Massachusetts’ Maura Healey, Illinois’ J.B. Pritzker, and Colorado’s Jared Polis, are among the gaggle of sour grapes state governors who are doubling-down on inferring voters weren’t smart enough to know what they want or need.

Making very public announcements countering President-Elect Trump’s plan to summarily manage and/or oust illegal immigrants, those aforementioned governors insist they will use troops, if necessary, to protect their illegal residents at the expense of legal, taxpaying residents.

Keep in mind, that pesky “rule of law” thing should still apply, although it must now be on vacation when talking about who is going to be at America’s helm.

There you have it. Most of the Democrat leaders don’t care about your health and well-being at the cost of pandering to the voters. Damn the crime, influx of deadly fentanyl and other drugs, along with sexual assaults of children.

I told you: they hate you, and they’re deaf.

Monday, November 11, 2024

What Went Wrong?


  Thus far it’s a bittersweet month. Sure, we’re still in the early stages of flux, but based upon how things have progressed, I dare say the journey will only get wilder.

Our roller coaster ride begins with a shock to many. Recovering from a still-fresh presidential election, America finds itself divided into three distinct camps.

The first camp is chock full o’ die hard supporters of the person who wound up in first place, Kamala Harris. You’re likely chocking on your own tongue just about now. In the grand scheme of things Harris is technically the “first loser” of those aforementioned elections. Yea!

Our second camp contains Donald J. Trump, now legally known as “President-Elect,” until his January 2025 swearing-in, plus his voting supporters, MAGAs. Yea!

Lastly, the third camp is filled with gaggles of media whores also known as: “Entertainers.”

In actuality, the first and third camps are traditionally joined at the hip largely due to their identical shallowness. Also in the first camp neatly rests the mainstream media (MSM), who, through this election, pulled back the curtain to expose the all the sycophantic players.

Indeed, Harris lost to President-Elect Donald J. Trump, handily, unlike during the 2016 election. Carousing across a small cross-section of the country, Harris pandered for attention and votes, without adding substance to her plea.

Avoiding answering questions or addressing issues, Harris seemed to have trouble with time management. Her “appointment” to the Democrat ticket was hand-selected using backroom deals and threats to expel the then-current, legitimate sitting president, Joseph Robinette Biden, in favor of Kamala Harris.

Following a disastrous self-selected debate with Trump, Biden was summarily dispatched by in-the-know powers-that-be, (Read: Nancy Pelosi as well as the cashiers within the Democratic Party).

As if by magic, Harris awoke a few days later as the candidate representing a constituency hungry for the furtherance of the Biden’s ardent attempt to reach all the Seven Gates of Hell.

Fortunately, the populace seeking sanity over Leftist radicalism prevailed by electing Trump. Yes, a mere few days since the election, Democrats have been seething about something for which they have been preaching for years: Choice.

Choice, when used in a sentence by Lefties and Democrats invariably include the words “Women’s reproductive rights,” and “Women’s health,” stories for another time. Unfortunately, choice is never associated with a decision for whom one can vote.

Using fear and panic, the MSM, and their buddies in the rabid Democrat Party have been effectively introducing seething hate based upon conjecture into the narrative.

Trump is Hitler,” “Trump will put you in concentration camps,” plus “Trump does nothing but lie,” have proved to be both scary and entertaining slogans, to say the least. Unfortunately, the women, and the men who sit down to pee, regularly spew the above fabrications to push our nation closer to absolute destruction. In any case, those first runners-up are now licking their wounds, while likely preparing for riots and mayhem.

Moving on to the second camp, Trump, as well as his Make America Great Again (MAGA) supporters have been breathing collective sighs of relief, and justifiably so.

Being exposed for the last four-years to oil and natural gas drilling bans, the outlawing of internal combustion engines, the dangerous open borders policy, foreign gang activities in America, DEI policies, dumbing-down American schools, fighting proxy wars, demeaning our military personnel, lying about the “death of democracy,” and pushing for the continued mixing of sexes in scholastic sports, had driven the majority of our nation to select Trump to manage this goat rodeo.

Spending hundreds of billions of dollars on foreign countries and illegal invaders domestically, over the needs of hard-working Americans, prevailed in the thought process of voting for sanity over Leftist societal mental health challenges.

An economy beyond repair, on top of an army of angry students fighting attempts to rein-in more madness, gave conservative voters pause in continuing to pretend all was well. The bailing out of the sinking ship had finally begun.

Which brings us to the third camp, entertainers. All the while, entertainers who consist of performers, athletes, politicians, actors, and influencers, alike, have all been giddy to be part of the promised historic election of the first black woman president. Alas, twas not to be.

Seeming as though they were forming a conga line, minstrels quickly joined in-step to dance and sing on stages during Harris’ appearances for rallies. Actors, has-been political figures, wannabe crooners, aging athletes, as well as movie producers, suddenly materialized in order to show undying support for Harris as her quest for political fame edged nearer by the day.

The MSM used their tried-and-true methods of fudging the figures of polls to give a false impression of Harris trouncing Trump, omitting only the “In your face, Donald,” part. And with each day, the MSM abetted the Harris campaign in their continuing belief that victory was not only possible, but guaranteed.

But once again, this pipe dream was, to say the least, elusive. Not unlike a dieter trying to lose weight, Harris, as well as her supporters continued lying to themselves that all was good, polls were soaring, and she had all the right answers to the hard questions. Wearing a toothy grin atop her usual pantsuit, Harris was pretending to dress for her upcoming job: Commander-in-Chief.

Dragging her baggage consisting of Tim Walz around with her, she confidently struted and waved in front of every camera her election staff could locate. She was a shoe-in. Guaranteed.

Unfortunately, her waving, fake former employment stories, tales of personal economic woe, and enthusiasm employed while incarcerating her African-American brotha’s and sista’s, unraveled faster than a cheap sweater. Harris’ true side was becoming exposed.

This 2024 election we have Christina Applegate, Mandy Moore, America Ferrera, Billie Eilish, Sophie Turner, Ariana Grande, and Cardi B, threatening departure from the United States. Let’s see if they are people of their word. I have my fingers crossed they will make good on their promises.

Desperate for comebacks from has-beens, other C-Listers seemed eager to catch the Kamala Harris ride to international importance and perpetual fame that comes with the title, “President.” commanding as much as a reported $10,000,000, for a mere appearance fee, these leaches gladly bellied-up to the bar for another brief taste of notoriety.

It's time for keeping promises; go!

Beyoncé, George Clooney, Willie Nelson, Michael Moore, and the like, paraded about stages offering their expertise in the political system, as well as the economy, and environment, as proof they were to be not only heard, but listened to. After all, they were important.

Names including Cher, Sharon Stone, Barbra Streisand, were just the beginning eight years ago. Whoopie Goldberg, Miley Cyrus, Amy Schumer, and George Lopez, were a few who spouted that same threat to leave the country if Trump was elected in 2016; alas, they’re still here.

History is currently being written about the Biden – Harris Administration electoral beating, with those fake news pundits and MSM toadies searching for answers as to how Harris was defeated.

Actually, the answer is readily available. Listen to the average American people who vote; they know what they want.

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Election 2024 Bonus


Close your eyes. NO, don’t close your eyes because you won’t be able to read this story.

Let’s begin again.

Imagine Joe Biden is driving his classic Corvette convertible down a long stretch of road with Kamala Harris riding shotgun. The first and second most powerful people in America are enroute to a Democratic fundraiser where they expect to reap plenty of re-election monies to fund their 2024 election bid against Donald Trump.

All along the way are signs indicating upcoming turns, speed limits, exits, connecting avenues, points of interest, as well as hazards.

Prez Biden on his way to pick up VP Kamala
Being long-in-the-tooth, President Biden finds himself in desperate need of a rest room. Diuretics, you know.

Joe and Kamala eventually spot a rest area, making a bee-line for it. Joe exits the Corvette as Kamala waits behind in the passenger seat. Alone with the top down, VP Harris waits for Joe’s return by firing up a ‘joint’ to help her mellow out.

Fifteen-minutes pass, then 20. Eventually, she finds a rest area attendant who she asks, out of concern, to check on her road-trip driver in the men’s room.

Another 12-minutes pass when the attendant returns without Joe. He searched inside and out, to no avail, President Biden was no where to be found.

A decision must be made by a solo Kamala. Does she continue to wait for Joe or does she continue her trip alone? She fears risking this wonderful opportunity to garner much-needed cash for the Party.

A well thought out decision to proceed was made. Sliding over the console into the driver’s seat, she snaps seat belt into place, turns the key, and fires up the rumbling massive engine. A quick puff of dark smoke pops from each exhaust side pipe, and off she goes.

But within a few short minutes, Kamala finds herself in a bit of a pickle. This old, classic collector’s item of a vehicle has no GPS. Worse than that, there is no map in the tiny glove box.

Not to worry. Kamala adjusts the rearview mirror to better catch an admiring glimpse of herself; she smiles, soon erupting into a hyena-like chuckle. To say ‘she’s happy’ would be an understatement. Narcissus himself couldn’t be prouder.

Just when you think the trip is over, it is actually only beginning.

But soon thereafter, Kamala picked-up a hitchhiker on her way to the White House to measure for new drapes. Her rider, who clearly didn’t even give her two-bucks for gas – Governor Tim Walz – was soon found to have lots of baggage; perhaps too much for that little, space-challenged Corvette.

After arriving at the fundraiser, Kamala proudly walked into the venue with head held high, donning a wide toothy grin. She had arrived. No, SHE HAD ARRIVED.

Flitting about the well-heeled, prominent donors, she knows who is in charge, and intends on relishing this moment all the way into 2032 as president.

Unfortunately, VP Harris must now spend the days, weeks, and months up to the election dodging the public because she still has not found that elusive map. To fend off the nosy questioners, Kamala repeatedly uses the words, “I will not stop fracking,” “I will not prevent fossil fuel drilling,” “The Border is closed,” and “Prices are dropping to the lowest point in the history of time,” to razzle-dazzle curious voters.

Meanwhile, Tim Walz, Democrat vice presidential candidate, has been spending his precious time defending the copious lies he’d been telling throughout most of his life. Getting dates, times, and facts – both large and small – wrong, Walz has certainly been getting his exercise spreading manure.

Continuing her appearance of being lost-at-sea, Kamala adds nebulous answers to specific questions all the while avoiding a group news conference. Her Q and A sessions are limited to one-on-one meetings with pod casters, Leftist talk shows, as well as heavily-biased, Democrat-friendly tongue baths disguised as news shows.

Still, she and her sycophantic buddies continue to roll toward the Election Day finish line in hopes of making history. It seems the idea is to prove to the world that racist, misogynistic America finally elected a black woman to run the country is within reach.

Alas, so is our nation’s approach to form a communistic government. Hearing the constant drum beat of Democrat cries to remove the outdated First and Second Amendments of The Constitution, as well as rehabbing the Supreme Court, eliminating the filibuster, plus permanently removing our sovereign borders, Kamala's borrowed Corvette is on the precipice of no return.

Maybe she just found Joe’s map. Perhaps she merely decided to plot her own route and destination. In any case, the only way out of this mess is to put the car in reverse to a guaranteed Donald Trump destination.

Vote wisely.