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Sunday, August 18, 2024



  It is said, ‘Apples don’t fall far from the tree.’

This saying is often attributed to the Bible, expressing the idea that a child inevitably shares traits with his or her parents.

And so, we start to discover who our current vice president really is: examining Kamala Harris and her parents who proudly reared her.

Vice President Kamala was born in Oakland, California, in 1964 of a mixed-race household to Shayamala Gopalan, an Indian-Caucasian mother, and Donald Harris, a Jamaican father. Her mother was a breast cancer research doctor, and passed away in 2009; Donald is an economist and professor-emeritus who taught at Stanford University.

Dr. Gopalan and Professor Harris divorced a few years after the birth of Kamala’s sister in 1967. Kamala lived with her mother and expressed “that her mother was aware that she and her sister would be seen ‘as Black girls,’ and further stated that ‘she was determined to make sure we would grow into confident, proud Black women,’” per Yahoo! News.

And did she succeed. Morphing into strong DA from San Francisco, a State Attorney General, eventually a State Senator, all from California, Kamala was especially proud of her stellar record prosecuting drug cases.

Marxist Professor-Emeritus Donald Harris

According to, “San Francisco Deputy Public Defender Niki Solis says Harris was the state’s most progressive DA and advocate for ‘so many policies and so many alternatives to incarceration.”

Further, law Professor Lara Bazelon says Harris was on the wrong side of history for often opposing criminal justice reform, though her record did change as a senator. “Her office fought tooth and nail to uphold wrongful convictions that in some cases kept innocent people in prison,” Bazelon says.

Dr. Gopalan, the fractured families’ matriarch, took over the duties of raising two small girls – Kamala and her sister Maya. The divorce from Professor Donald may have been the catalyst for the sisters to pursue careers as lawyers, possibly seeking justice from a perceived world of personal imbalance.

All the while, Professor Harris had been busy helping Jamaica with its monetary woes. Being a true Third World Nation, Jamaica found itself in great financial straits after decades of serious money mismanagement.

It was time to call in the pros to straighten out this Caribbean nation mess. With crime and depression, few jobs, low wages, and large debt, Professor Harris was tapped to be the savior who would help right this sinking ship.

According to “Jamaica has been a highly indebted economy for decades. Since 2013, the government (GOJ) has successfully implemented fiscal consolidation measures, reducing the public debt-to-GDP ratio by more than 60 percentage points to 75.5 percent in 2023 – the lowest level in 25 years.”

Prudent macroeconomic management, anchored in debt reduction targets and inflation-targeting monetary policy with ample foreign reserves, facilitated post-pandemic recovery amid the challenging external environment on inflationary pressures and tightening global financial conditions. A strengthened social protection system provided temporary assistance to vulnerable households and businesses during the pandemic to offset income losses, protect jobs, and stimulate demand. Additional assistance was provided to vulnerable households to mitigate the impact of rising prices,”, further states.

The Left-leaning The Washington Post noted that “Since Kamala Harris’ rise to national prominence, her father has been labeled a left-wing economist who often focused on abstract debates primarily of interest to fellow academics.”

The Post article further stated that “some former colleagues say that work provides insight into the economist’s potential influence on his daughter’s worldview. They hear echoes of Donald Harris in elements of the vice president’s speeches – from her commitment to minority-owned businesses to her support for the Biden administration’s industrial policy initiatives.”

In other words, Professor Harris clearly injected Communistic theory into his effort to save Jamaica. But at what cost?

Privatization of businesses and public airports, as well as a corporate land registry has done little to create a needed long term robust economy. “Jamaica is now widely recognized,” The Post continues, “as a fragile economic success story.”

A quick glance at Kamala’s proposed economic reveals something sordid lurking in those proud interviews and speeches she’s been giving over the past dozen years.

On August 16, 2024, VP Harris proposed a new “opportunity economy,” as a solution to the absolute mess both she and her boss, President Joseph Biden, foisted upon our robust economy with diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI).

Teetering on the brink of a recession, Harris is suddenly concerned – nearly four years too late – about the dire state of America’s economy. After groceries, fuel, insurance, housing, travel, and taxes reached record highs, while incomes are unable to keep up with the Biden-Harris policies, Harris’ idea is to tax more.

But tax whom?

As is usual in a communistic society, everyone is subject to draconian rules, regulations, and laws. Constantly calling on “the rich” to pay “their fair share,” that secret number seems elusive when asking for hard and fast figures. Just who is rich? How much is fair? Is anyone really exempt?

Without saying the words aloud, redistribution of wealth, as well as equity in everything, nothing involved with the wholesale confiscation of wealth, and punishment for hard work and success is up for discussion.

If you look back in time, Harris has been adamant that socialistic policies and ideas have been on her mind since her days as a prosecutor.

Leniency for criminals, a free tuition ride for students, “no cost” healthcare, housing subsidies, electric vehicle grants, childcare cash, minimum wage increases, and “good jobs” for everyone, are just a few of her brilliant ideas to bury her and Biden’s magnificent Bidenomics plan that broke our financial back in the first place.

If this sounds familiar, it should; think Soviet Russians. All Marxist systems of government begin with economic disasters. Begun under the tutelage of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, in 1848, who wrote the Communist Manifesto, commissioned by the Communist League in England.

Mentioning class struggles, capitalism, abolition of private property, and universal education, The Manifesto has been a playbook for communist societies and goals for 176-years. And nearly each time it was applied to a society, it was as “socialism,” which people believe is another term for “kindness.”

It is not. At least 100,000,000 people have died under communistic rule, many by starvation – worldwide. But the kicker is every communistic society has collapsed because of its tenets. And regularly, now communistic societies arise with the caveat: this new effort will not be mismanaged.

But it is human nature that leads us into thinking we have the ultimate solution for a panacea. Beginning with the word: socialism, people are conned into believing they are helping those in need. In fact, socialism is merely communism without the use of a gun.

And based on Professor Harris’ teachings and application thereof, the ideas perpetuated by his daughter Kamala, while examining the current state of affairs under the Biden-Harris administration, Kamala should change her oft-mispronounced name to Kommie La.

On Election Day, the rest of America should simply say, “Nyet!” to Kommie La and her partner Tim Walz.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Better Than Free

Please enjoy this recycled story from five-years ago.  It is as pertinent today as it was then.

I'll return next week with a new, fresh story.  Until then, continue the good fight and keep smiling!

  Summers are simply great.  That’s when much of America joins together to vacation, perform much-needed yard work, or merely lounge about the yard enjoying a well-deserved respite from work.

But it is also time for harvesting those vegetables your sainted wife planted back in late March.

Just about now there are zucchinis the size of telephone poles, hidden from view by the overgrown beds; weeds camouflaging yellow squash that are huddled together beneath the natural sunshade; and cucumbers that would make a person wealthy if they were worth 10¢ each.

Unfortunately, nearly everyone is in the same position – they all have tons of surplus veggies with no goal to use them all.  Even neighbors politely refuse these excess foodstuffs.  Alas.

So, it was today that my sainted wife began the great cucumber pickling of the season.  Our motto is “waste nothing.”

Into the attic we climbed, searching for the necessary canning tools and accessories.  All this critical stuff was in the attic where temperatures were hovering around a pleasant 173ยบ Fahrenheit.

Out came the dusty giant jar grabbers, glass jars of various sizes, a magnetic lid lifter, a plastic poker to remove bubbles, and the king-sized pot.

After a thorough inventory, we realized we were in need of only a few items to can these cucumbers.

Dill weed, dill seeds, mustard seeds, pickling spice, more jars, lids, two gallons of vinegar, finely chopped garlic, a jar of “pickle crisp granules,” and salt.

Only $133.47 later, we were on our way to making cost-effective pickles to amaze and awe our friends and neighbors.

Our modest kitchen closely resembled a cross between meth lab and operating room.  Knives, pliers, pullers, pushers, towels-a-plenty, boiling water and steaming white vinegar, lent to an air also filled with herbs and spices.

Smokey the Cat cowered near my recliner, trying – unsuccessfully – to decipher this chemical extravaganza.

Shakespeare’s three witches from Macbeth could almost be heard chanting, “Double, double, toil and trouble,” from the mist arising from the stove.

The great cucumber coup
Using oversized pliers, my apron-clad sainted wife carefully plucked sterilized canning jars from a giant soup pot.

Neatly tucking cucumber spears into the jars, she added a brine concoction of our earlier supermarket coup.

As the jars were sealed, they were individually loaded into sectioned cardboard boxes, and then cautiously covered with tea towels to prevent drafts and prying eyes from ruining all the hard work.

Eventually, they stood in arrangement akin to a neatly dressed army of glass soldiers standing at attention.

All this was fine until I asked for a pickle to try.

My sainted wife snapped, “They’re not ready, and won’t be for another two-weeks.  TWO WEEKS!”

To occupy my time, I broke out the calculator and ciphered the cost of making pickles from our free cucumbers.

The bottom line was $12.87, per pint.  Not bad, considering I could have bought them in the market for $3.79.


Monday, August 5, 2024

It’s Magic

  Steve Carell is the main character in a cute 2013 comedy movie, The Incredible Burt Wonderstone. It generally takes place in Las Vegas where Burt attempts to reunite with his lifelong friend, portrayed by Steve Buscemi, who portrays Anton Marvelton.

Burt and Anton

Beginning with a magic kit – a present from his mother when he was a young child – Burt draws the attention of Anton who develop a friendship in the stage magic entertainment industry.

After arising to fame, the act begins to stale, eventually leading to tiff between the two, and ending up in a separation. A variety of famous cast members enliven this film through to the finale.

In an effort to rejuvenate the act, they reunify for an attempt to pull off the ultimate magic trick. I’m not going to give the ending away, but in simple terms it winds up being monumental and very, very creative.

My sainted wife thought this movie was too outlandish on which to waste a second of time – though she did. But it was the creativity of the book, turned into a script, that actually made this flick memorable for me.

Although not ranking up there with Casablanca or Key West as award winning movies, The Incredible Burt Wonderstone was entertaining for me. This film is where I mentally went to when I began reassessing what America, along with the entire world, have been subject to since roughly the turn of the century.

It was 1999, and the relatively new world of computers was facing its first real test of how it was designed to function versus how it might actually function, or not.

Then-being used in businesses, to assist with transactions, track inventory and re-order, ship goods, and manage payrolls, computers had moved from a novel idea to a critical component of life. Lest we forget those payrolls are forwarded to banks for processing, and redistribution of monies to pay bills had also become routine.

Mortgages, gas and electric bills, utilities, credit card transactions, travel, and medications, insurance vehicle registration, police identity checks, as well as the then-new Global Positioning System (GPS), all heavily relied on computers to function, and function well.

During the advent period of computer use in societal commerce, those old enough may recall the days of the payroll deposit not making its way to the bank. Glitches were more common than current day crime, but the excuse was reliably the same: “The computer system has a ‘bug’ that is being worked out.”

And we all played along just the way we were supposed to in a fluid, polite, cohesive society. Until late-1999, that is.

News people were agog because of rumors the computer system just might crash. I’ll wait for you while you re-read that last sentence, again.

It seems that computer programmers, who were instrumental in getting all the aforementioned technological wonders functioning for years were now suspect in what the media was promoting as a possible reversal to the Stone Age.

Although old enough to have lived then, I don’t recall a lot of woes that might threaten a total collapse of transportation, medical, and food chain supplies because of a programming error. And the error?

In order to save time and storage space, computer programmers occasionally wrote coding dates as follows: MMDDYY – representing M for Month, D for Day, and Y for Year. Unfortunately, some foreign nations wrote the date YYDDMM, while others used variations thereof, causing concern for incompatibility. No “expert” was able to offer a solid guess or solution for this impending issue.

You see, with a two-digit year, “23” for example, it might be 1923, it could be 2023, it was possibly 1823. And therein lain the problem.

Suddenly, business-as-usual was on the verge of being a total collapse of financial transactions and institutions, medical systems and procedures, even everyday communications, all at the stroke of midnight, January 1, 2000.

The press aided and abetted in panicking the public into a disaster mode – issuing warnings about societal mayhem. Storage of food, precious metals, guns, ammunition, medical supplies, gasoline, even cigarettes and alcohol acquisition were encouraged.

January 2nd, 2000, and everything was business-as-usual, again. People who warned friends and neighbors about the impending doom were suddenly silent, as were all those supply hoarders and newscasters who fostered this giant international scare.

But this panic was not without reward. The powers-that-be inside the Democrat Party were quick to realize that Americans were a cohesive bunch who could be fed information about virtually anything – true or not – only to grasp onto the cause du jour in order to retain a sense of belonging.

If you don’t believe me, witness the American terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. The 9-11 attacks quickly reunited a fracturing nation who was less than pleased because of a slanted media who was bound and determined to vilify then-President George W. Bush.

Leading a campaign that attempted to make President Bush appear weak and incompetent, the Democrats were anxious to re-implement the tactics used in the Great Computer Mayhem Almost-disaster of 1999. And it worked.

Driving a wedge between the races and sexes, the country was more than divided leading up to the 2008 elections. Women banded together to, once again in history, attempt to disenfranchise men all under the guise of “identity politics.” Going a step further, something called “tribalism politics” was introduced to guarantee the division was perpetual.

Tribalism politics is the psychological manipulation of making people think in terms of ‘us vs. them.’ For instance, if a group is supporting Palestine, a group-centric standard should be applied to exclude those who are not, and therefore assumed to be pro-Israel.

The same standard now holds true with whites and blacks, men and women, pro-life and pro-death of babies, even groups who claim to be for or allegedly against preserving the environment, all in an effort to divide. And it’s working.

You may have heard of something called COVID-19. Using tribalism politics, the United Nations, in concert with the United States’ medical scientists and doctors, drove a narrative that created a chasm across the entire planet.

Exploiting arbitrary prophylactic attempts to control/manage the COVID virus, normal people were instructed to stand six-feet apart in stores, wash hands for 20-seconds, wear specially-prescribed masks, and remain indoors, all to avoid spread of COVID. Vaccines were also developed and mandated for everyone, everywhere.

Most people gleefully followed the public health orders, but some did not; those who did not were chastised, harangued, arrested, even fired from their jobs. Some military and police members were let go, and we are now ruing the public health orders that forced them out of service.

But it is today that we find ourselves back under the control of the media. It seems as though President Joseph Robinette Biden has been serving a questionable term derived from a questionable election. With time racing toward the 2024 elections, the public has just recently discovered that Biden is not the Biden for whom they voted in 2020.

Repeated falls, verbal gaffs, awkward nonsensical speeches, and bouts of anger all point to problematic issues now surfacing with only a few short weeks away from our next presidential pick. Tribalism is running rampant, creating an abyss unlike any seen in our sovereign nation’s history.

Using allegations of altered information from Artificial Intelligence, lies, claims of utilizing false pictures, rampant racism, and sexism, all compounded by an invasion of people crossing both our Southern and Northern borders, has generated only mistrust from Americans tired of being falsely fed more of the same razzle dazzle to achieve the desired results.

The Commander-in-Chief has been using front people to lie to the American people. Manipulating rules surrounding the Democrat Party Convention process, Joe Biden dropped out of the race after announcing a full-steam-ahead re-enlistment for the upcoming election.

Less than two-weeks later, a new candidate – VP Kamala Harris – is being touted as a cross between Joan of Arc and Margaret Thatcher. All that manufactured tripe is from the same press that gave you COVID, 9-11, and Donald Trump misinformation, and is happily attempting to give you more fake history.

Burt Wonderstone and Anton Marvelton worked hard to make their magic show, well, magical. And the Democrats are working just as feverishly to make you believe – in awe – that they can pull the proverbial wool over your eyes, yet again.

It’s time to think for yourself and stop following the herd when voting.