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Monday, April 24, 2023

Beauty Doesn’t Equal Smart

Loudon County, Virginia, is quite a beautiful place, nestled among the Blue Ridge Mountains. It is Virginia’s third-most populace county, and “first in median income among jurisdictions of 65,000 or more,” per Wikipedia.

Although largely Democratic-leaning, Loudon is unapologetic-ally capitalistic as an employer for major entities such as Verizon Business, Amazon, United Airlines, Northrop Grumman, Inova Health, Raytheon, and America Online, to name but a few.

Its 420,000 plus population is also important to Loudon’s existence as well as being home to a 70,000 K-12 student population. Also according to Wikipedia, Loudon’s nine-school board seats are filled with “nonpartisan” members.

And here is where we start today’s story.

This morning’s news woke me out of a groggy state of semi-confusion when I heard that Loudon County found an extra $11,000,000 lying around, gathering dust.

It seems as though the Loudon School Board wants all children under its purview to “feel comfortable.” One way, they decided, was to spend this taxpayer money on refurbishing the bathrooms in four of its schools.

Evidently, somewhere along the way, these anointed guardians of the K-12 brains of mush, thought it would be a terrific idea to modify the bathrooms of a few select schools as a test to determine the feasibility of changing all the school bathrooms to co-ed.

Co-ed is a nice way of saying boys and girls together, but in the bathroom, at the same time. What could possibly go wrong?

I’m glad you asked. In May 2021, a Loudon County school girl was sexually assaulted by another Loudon pupil, in a girl’s bathroom. The kicker here, is that the rapist was a teen boy wearing a skirt and woman’s blouse, claiming he was “sexually fluid.”

Concerned father of sexually assaulted student

This rapist had conned all the smart school administrators who permitted this wacko student to perpetrate his sexual crime. But the story is just beginning.

The victim informed her father of this personal and criminal violation and felony, who immediately contacted the school’s principal. Apparently siding with the freaks of nature, the principal virtually ignored the girl’s father who assured the father everything was under control, and that the offending rapist would be dealt with.

Being a serial liar, the principal secretly moved the sexual assaulter to another unsuspecting school. In the meantime, the girl’s father wanted answers as to how this could happen. Dad went to a Loudon School Board meeting to express his concerns, but was violently arrested for refusing to leave the public forum.

Eventually the truth surfaced like the proverbial turd in a punch bowl, creating a fun display of he said, she said, scenarios that only made the principal appear stupider than he looked.

And for the transferred rapist? He was still pretending he was a she and, again, raped yet another girl in his new school. And no one lived happily ever after.

Too bad that old adage about learning through one’s mistakes does not apply here. Evidently, everyone connected with the Loudon School Board forgot about this two-year old hide-the-bologna game.

In an effort to prove their mental superiority to the world, Loudon School Board now feels compelled to micro manage nature, again.

This crazy idea of putting sleazy boys and girls together where their influential psyches and hormones are already raging is tantamount to handing a loaded gun to a toddler.

Of course, nothing nefarious may happen, but judging by the out-of-wedlock birthrates, along with adolescent sexual activities, nothing positive is going to arise from this ill-conceived plan to demonstrate wokeness to an out-of-control world.

The only positive side of this co-ed bathroom debacle is that my tax dollars are not being used to fund this confabulation.

Monday, April 17, 2023

Celebrating Another Year

 “Phrenology – basically palm-reading applied to your skull – was briefly considered cutting-edge science. It’s now widely regarded as pseudoscientific quackery. Today’s “settled science” is often tomorrow’s “I can’t believe we said that,” reads a quote from Jonah Goldberg of The Boston Herald.

Once again, we find ourselves staring down the proverbial barrel of a gun. First it was 50, next it was twenty, then 18, someone else averred 8, another expert claimed 5, while a United States House of Representatives member assured it was 12. Yes, it was a mere 12-years before the Earth becomes totally unable to sustain life, said Rep. Alexandria Ocazio-Cortez, (D-NY).

Something – anything – needed to be done to prevent the absolute self-destruction of the planet or we would all suffer the consequences. Amen.

Back in 2019, AOC “said she thinks that there is an urgency needed in addressing man-made climate change, warning that it will 'destroy the planet' in a dozen years if humans do not address the issue, no matter the cost,” per The Hill, a Washington, D.C. newspaper.

AOC presumably laughing at Americans

After doing some quick ciphering, that leaves us with only eight more years before we are all dead.

And the reason I’m bringing this up now is because the inaugural Earth Day was 53-years ago, on April 22.

Throughout those 53-years, Americans have been bombarded with one scientific report after another regarding the dire condition of Mother Earth.

First, the smart scientists insisted we were facing certain doom due to global freezing. Paul Ehrlich terrified society with predictions of a planet on the brink of a permanent ice age – no questions asked.

Immediately, national magazines and television programs began their crusade to help stop this mindless destruction of our celestial home.

But within a few short years, more reports were published by equally qualified scientists who were assured their findings were more accurate, and that our planet would spontaneously burst into flames.

During the ice age scare, many scientists were devising a way to free our atmosphere of pollutants, to better allow sunlight to reach our rapidly cooling home planet.

Unfortunately, during the ensuing global warming phase, more scientists were fashioning plans to block the sunlight in order to spare us from being baked inside our homes.

These efforts were brilliant from a carnival barker’s point of view. These renown scientists and researchers were coming up with brilliant ideas as well as scenarios to stem whatever crisis civilization was facing or could face.

Ideas were floated about television airwaves and movie theaters, alike. Regular family fare was quickly converted to desperate situations where only a few of Earth’s inhabitants survived by killing and eating their own; art imitating life, I would say.

No matter the media, any and all premises required – no, demanded – immediate action before we reached the self-created Rubicon.

Here’s where things got icky, though.

Those eminent scientists were now attempting to swim to the other side's boat to survive any and all criticism. Was it going to be global cooling, or was it going to be global warming?

It didn’t matter, as long as it was a consensus. Soon, it was – drum-roll, please – officially Climate Change.

Now stupid people like me would tend to call this a cowardly bastardization of the word “weather.” No commitment to a rise or fall in the temperature, only a rapid glance out the window to see what the current conditions look like. If it’s lush and green, it’s fair; tree leaves bent, it’s windy; white means it’s snowing; and so on.

This was summarily introduced to school children under the premise of absolute destruction of every living being on the planet, unless…

Suddenly, classes were not only offered to explain this climate change challenge, but also to indoctrinate young minds to absorb the “settled science” that created this new cultural monster. College degrees in climate change are now offered as a way to give people a means to become involved.

As anointed proof, though, weather readers, print editors, actors, musicians, politicians, and common folk, have been climbing aboard the Climate Change Express Train for nearly half a century to mitigate our imminent demise.

It’s only a matter of time,’ is the way the monologue goes. And, so, it will continue with snow falls, heat spells, droughts, tornadoes, and hurricanes, each event ushering in new warnings about the cry for something to be done – to stop the man-made destruction.

The definitive solution?

Rid the planet of its inhabitants, says renown scientist Bill Gates. Get rid of private planes, says, climate researcher Leonardo DiCaprio. Shut down oil drilling, claims Climate Czar John Kerry. Sell Americans electric vehicles, asserts Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm.

A real solution, however, would be to stop lying to the world’s inhabitants about the destruction of our home planet. It survived just fine before humans arrived and will continue long after they are gone.

Bottom line: If humans had the power to alter the climate, they should start with deadly flooding, hurricanes, and tornadoes. Alas, they don’t have that power. They only pretend that they might be able to do so, someday.

Until then, stop lying and give up the false god of the religion of climate change, or whatever today’s term is. And, Happy Phrenology Day.

Monday, April 10, 2023

Professional Whiner

 It was 1987 when Teresa and Rick proudly adopted their baby boy. Clearly headed toward a life of questionable twists and turns, Heidi Russo gave up her newborn son to save him from any unfortunate circumstances he might face on his way to adulthood.

As can be evidenced from tragic tales splashed throughout the news, virtually any family can be subject to situations that often wind up with less-than-ideal results. Growing up fatherless would be an additional, unneeded handicap in an already difficult world.

But Heidi’s newborn would be the product of a white mother and a black father. As fate would have it, Teresa and Rick are white and simply adored their new family addition from the instant they were introduced to him by an adoption agency, according to People magazine.

Teresa and Rick were both gainfully employed – Rick served as an executive in the diary industry, while Teresa worked as a registered nurse. Both had two biological children who they lost to congenital heart problems early in life, while happily other biological children, son Kyle, and daughter Devon, were born healthy.

This young baby would be their opportunity to raise another healthy child without the fear of another congenital handicap. And all parties involved in this semi-complex adoption would live happily ever after.


The baby in question was named Colin. Teresa and Rick’s surname is Kaepernick, thereby resulting in the tale of Colin Kaepernick.

St. Colin and his parents

Colin grew up in a white world as a black child. His parents were attempted to rear Colin as a responsible, successful, caring citizen. It didn’t matter that the loving, gracious Kaepernick’s were simply delighted to nurture, mold, and shape their adoptive son into a conscientious American citizen, of whom everyone could be proud.

Wanting for little, Colin was raised living a life some would call privileged; he received a good education, solid values, and excellent work ethic which would make many other families jealous. But it was the norm for the Kaepernick family – Colin included.

Unfortunately, Colin faced tragedies in his otherwise ideal life when dealing with Teresa and Rick, some of which plague him until today.

Take, for example, when Colin “wanted to get cornrows, and his mom pushed back, calling the hairstyle ‘unprofessional’ and that he would look like ‘a little thug,’” states People magazine.

Alas, the truth finally arises from a privileged athlete who was raised and nurtured by a white couple trying to give young Colin the most direct, problem-free direction on the road to success.

The good news is that Colin eventually left the fold to pursue a career as a professional football player (not soccer, but real football.)

In doing so, he discovered the world was not as perfect as his life had been previously. Soon, his quarterback job for the San Francisco 49ers was something for which he had not prepared, by simply believing he could make up his own rules in someone else’s world.

After several lackluster years with the 49ers, Colin felt compelled to express himself as a downtrodden black man who should employ his blackness to right all societal wrongs.

The safest way to do that was to kneel for the National Anthem before a football game. He claimed he was merely protesting police brutality and racial injustice. Those are awfully noble causes coming from a man whose life has been a ride of privilege on the proverbial gravy train up until now.

Attending quality schools, living in safe communities, and hobnobbing with A-listers apparently did nothing except cause resentment in poor Colin’s life.

Suddenly he was thrust into the national spotlight as an up-and-coming professional whiner. And he did not disappoint.

Along the way, his parents stood solidly beside him because that’s what most parents do. But to have your white noses rubbed into the scat of pubic displays of manufactured racial anger would only cause more pain – pain to less loving parents, that is.

It wasn’t long before the systemic racism of hate for the white portion of America exuded from Colin’s undignified mouth who felt it necessary to rally blacks and weak-minded other members of humanity against the greatest country in Earth.

To prove he stands with the black community first and foremost, Colin found a soul mate that appears white, but is also of a mixed race relationship. She happily stands beside her paramour, as she should.

And all is well in America.

Too bad Colin is not the deep thinker he professes to be, though.

Had Heidi Ross not given birth to the ungrateful Colin Kaepernick, but rather opted for an abortion, we would not be wasting our time writing and reading this exposé of the ultimate degree of selfishness.

It’s good that Teresa and Rick still have love for this narcissist.