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Monday, April 26, 2021

I Hate Calypso Music

 There’s an old saying that goes, “If you can’t take it, don’t dish it out.”  It’s pretty simple actually, meaning be prepared to accept your just desserts for your behavior and actions.


For some years we, as a society, have been bombarded with flat out lies.  The biggest lie, in my humble opinion, is that ALL White people are racists.  This is because we are born with racism in our hearts that has only grown into systemic racism to further divide the masses.


That last paragraph is quite creative and likely emerged from puny minds that are obsessed with their own version of racism, systemic or otherwise.


The old contortion trick is to contrive a statement that cannot be proven true or false.  One example is that Blacks cannot be racists because they are in the minority and the minority cannot control the majority.  Hence, the majority Whites are the culprits.


I like to work with facts so as not to confuse anyone with misperceptions and disingenuous statements. So let’s take a ride down the highway of truth.


Two proud, unapologetic racists

A calypso musician named Louis Farrakhan, popped up once again like a turd in the punchbowl.  On April 2, 2021, a Farrakhan follower named Noah Green, without cause, drove his car into a Capitol Building security gate. 


His ramming attempt disabled his vehicle, but struck two Capitol Police officers, killing one and wounding the other.  Green then exited his car armed with a large knife and began a slicing rampage that ended when he was rightly shot and killed.


This story received relatively little in the way of notoriety inasmuch as Green was an ardent follower of Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam, a racist “religious” sect.  Green evidently posted messages about Calypso Louis and his god-like gift for hating Jews and Whites.


Unfortunately, the narrative of this tragedy didn’t fit the Democrat’s much-desired endeavor to disarm ordinary Americans.  It seems Green’s knife was guvment approved unlike all those assault machinegun rifles those same folks want to outlaw.


Rewinding to January 6th, non-racist individuals gathered at the same Capitol to protest their perceived theft of President Trump’s re-election effort.  Some hooligans in the crowd caused mayhem, with the death of two individuals resulting from causes still under investigation.


We, as a nation were steadily bombarded with this news in the form of propaganda; it was spewed out via airwaves and internet that racist White people tried to overthrow the United States.  No such thing happened, but Comrade Nancy Pelosi assured America it happened.  Amen.


The end result was that if you ever worked in his administration or for President Donald Trump, or even voted for him, you should be summarily imprisoned and re-educated – not unlike the old Soviet-era gulags.  Who got the incentive award for this idea?


Mention the name of Donald Trump, get mandatory brain washing.


On the other hand, according to Fox News, “Odessa Kelly, who is staging a primary challenge against Blue Dog Democrat Rep. Jim Cooper, D-Tenn., went on Facebook the day of President Biden's inauguration and posted a list of suggested agenda items for the new administration’s first 100 days. Those included standard Democratic wishes for stimulus checks, packing the Supreme Court and student loan forgiveness, as well as jokes about attacking GOP leaders.”


Again from Fox News, “Aside from her jokes, Kelly's Facebook history includes an April 2012 post about how she was attending a speech being delivered by anti-Semitic Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and a May 2020 post declaring, ‘If you vote for Trump, YOU ARE A RACIST!’"


How much more open minded can a wannabe politician get?


Kelly is a racist through-and-through, and should be nullified from any position in politics.  Crazy talk from her about Memphis or Detroit pimps beating up Ted Cruz is not talk from a normal person.  In fact, Kelly should be confined to a mental institution for observation as a threat to herself and others.


Likewise, Calypso Louis should be excoriated for spreading hate and divisiveness in a nation attempting to heal from such vitriol and ugliness. 


There were no excuses for a politician named David Duke.  Likewise, there is no room for tolerance from Louis Farrakhan and Odessa Kelly, two nut jobs that are too ignorant to debate, and anyone else who calls people racists because they love the sound of their own voices.


Crawl back under your rocks.  By the way, I hate calypso music.

Monday, April 19, 2021

My Bad

In today’s world people begin statements with their own facts.  Facts are supposed to be provable, in nature, but often are not.  For example, people will start a sentence with: ‘Humans are the main cause of climate change.’


Of course, that statement is not true; rather it is a way to pave a road toward propaganda.  There is no evidence that man is the root cause of climate change.  Period.


If you think I’m not telling the truth, please stop reading here.  Otherwise, I’ve got some bad news for you.


There’s a little publication that cleverly masquerades as a newspaper, but isn’t.  It is called USA Today.  It’s been around since the 1970’s and has been the darling of the Left.  Writing for that rag is someone named Doyle Rice.


I don’t know Rice and am unsure if Rice is a man or woman, Black or White.  I know that Rice made a giant mistake when on April 9, 2021, a small article under the USA Today byline appeared in the fish wrapping, also disguised as a newspaper.


Its headline is CO2 levels highest in over 3M years, and caught my eye.  For you New Jerseyites, 3M referred to therein is 3,000,000 years.  Rice let the cat out of the bag and told the truth.


Humans first appeared on Earth 2,500,000 years ago, nearly 500,000 years after Rice’s story about CO2 levels.  This is important because most of our revered scientists and researchers in the environmental arena normally begin their pontificating with the old ‘Humans are the main cause of climate change,' drivel.


Not being a scientist myself, I find it difficult to imagine how humans could be responsible for climate change since they were not even alive when the enviro-nuts claim the planet became tainted.


I’ll spare you the painful foolishness concerning man burning things for warmth and cooking, higher sea levels, and fossil fuel emissions, because they have no bearing on anything concerning humans being the main cause of climate change.


This brief article meanders its way though half-baked science to attempt to demonize man and his perceived blight on our environment.  Unfortunately, Rice committed the cardinal sin of exposing what many “flat Earthers” have contended for decades.


Agency chock full o' rocket surgeons

NOAA’s Global Monitoring Laboratory recently released a statement about how we, as a civilization, need to mitigate those fossil fuel emissions as our survival is dependent upon their reduction.


Evidently the folks at NOAA, as well as all environmental egoists believe humans have the ability to stem the tide of our planet’s perceived woes.  And, they think we have the facility to reverse all damage to our planetary home; all we need to do so is mo’ money.


I find it odd that most of the Earth’s damage was done well before we arrived, and seems likely to continue – with or without the intervention of humans.  How this tragic situation occurred would be my first question to any and all the Green subject matter experts.


In any case, here’s a special “Thanks!” to Doyle Rice for what may be his final mistake at USA Today.  And, Happy Earth Day!

Monday, April 12, 2021

Punish the Successful

 President Joseph Robinette Biden’s handlers – the hidden brain trust of the White House – told Biden to spend more money.  It’s not as though he hasn’t spent a boatload of cash in his first three months in office, but those puppeteers have a generous hankering and want results, pronto.


As of this writing, Biden has spent $1,900,000,000,000, for world-wide relief of COVID; other country abortions; bailing out California, New York, and Michigan; and helping foreigners illegally enter the United States. 


In fact, that is so much money, he would need to spend $43,000 per second to spend $1.9 trillion within four years.  I believe that’s correct, unfortunately my calculator doesn’t have enough numbers to give me an accurate figure.


But that’s not enough.  Biden’s ventriloquists want to spend another $3,000,000,000,000!  What could they possibly do with that extra dough?  According to Biden – I know because I watched him read these bullet points off his index cards – wants to help boost the economy.


Boosting the economy by spending more money is like a dieter eating more cake to lose weight, FYI.


And Biden’s idea is to augment our nation’s infrastructure.  Infrastructure is one of those neat words that anyone can fill-in-the-blanks with their own idea of what we believe constitutes infrastructure.


Biden’s empty head conjures up new roads, guardrails, highway signage, airports, and pudding for the home.  What a terrific way to spend all those dollars that we must borrow.


Let’s take a trip back to 2014.  In 2014, a fellow you may remember named Barack Obama was serving as president, and Biden was employed as the vice president.


St. Barack bounced around the country to pimp his brilliant plan to excite our stagnant economy and to golf.  He quickly blamed our economy on President George W. Bush, who definitely had a hand in the unbalanced budget, but not without help from a Democratic Congress.


St. Barack’s plan was to borrow $302,000,000,000 to create an infrastructure makeover to include new roads, guardrails, highway signage, and airports.  Sound familiar?  St. Barack lied about everything having to do with this $300 billion theft, including creating new jobs to build those roads and whatnot.


In fact, St. Barack laughed aloud when the press asked about his “shovel-ready” jobs that were supposed to be created as a result of his infrastructure plan.  He smiled a toothy smile saying, “Shovel-ready was not as shovel-ready as we expected.”  Ha, ha, ha!


So here we are seven lucky years later with the village idiot, President Biden, coughing up his new and improved plan to spend more money he doesn’t have, and never will have.


Yep.  Let’s spend more money on another project that was an absolute failure then, and will be another absolute failure now.  That’s the guvment way.


But Biden has a new edge for his plan to grow the economy.  Included in his $3 trillion rush to bankruptcy is he is moving ahead with his handler’s idea of adding a new rail system.


What?  Forward to 1865!  This guy and his cheat card writers are ready to spend literally tons of money to build more trains.  This is good news for no one.


His administration needs money to pay back the loans, but isn’t getting the revenue they thought.  Simply put, for the environment, cars are more efficient using less fuel, and more electric cars are now clogging our roads.  All that means less gas tax revenue.


If you build more rail systems, fewer trucks will be traveling about delivering goods using even less fuel.  How do we handle that situation?


Simply ask Mayor Pete Buttigieg, former presidential candidate for the Democrats, and gay man.  I add that gay part because his claim to fame was he is gay and he wanted everyone to know his sexual proclivity.


Left Secretary Pete on the right

Last week, Buttigieg Biden's Secretary of Transportation, resurrected some old fashioned deep thinking on how to screw Americans without repercussions.  He found that some years ago someone proposed taxing people for how many miles they drove.  That would help punish electric car owners who were responsible enough to stop using gasoline.


Deep thinkers in the current (Biden) administration are Hell-bent on taxing everything, everyone, all the time, and punish the successful.


But here’s the good news.  Eventually we’ll run out of money to give the guvment.


The really, really good news is Trump isn’t texting!

Monday, April 5, 2021

Get a Job

If you grew up in a two parent household you likely experienced one of those weird moments with those two parents.
  Let’s say you want to go to the movies with your friends.  You immediately ask your mom, who promptly passes the buck and says, “Ask your father.”


You track your father down and say, “Can I go to the movies?”


He queries, “Ask your mother.  If she says it’s okay, then you can go.”


You pass your mother on the way out and shout to her, “Dad said it was okay.”


Now you know full well neither parent agreed to that trip to the cinema, yet the kids went and snookered both parents, in which case another story at another time will be how to ask for forgiveness rather than permission.  But I digress.


For your information, this is one of the same tactics professional thieves, aka. life-long politicians, use to pave their gold-covered roads to fabulous riches for themselves.


Another one of those smarmy tactics is also one of the seven deadly sins: greed.


It took only a nanosecond for me to realize who the main subject of a recent story was.  The story-in-question was about a fellow named Elon Musk.  Musk is a very, very, very smart and successful entrepreneur.  His business is making electric vehicles and rockets.


Although I, too, made rockets, mine were about two-feet tall and made of paper towel cardboard rolls, fitted with balsa wood fins and a balsa nosecone.  They flew about 500 feet into the air.  Musk’s rockets, on the other hand, fly miles into the air and softly land for re-use.


Of course, mine cost about $3 each.  His rockets cost about $50,000,000.  Based on that, his should fly from here to the Moon.


In any case, the other day, a fellow named Bernie Sanders, a U.S. Senator from Vermont, exercised his right to the First Amendment.  He proudly proclaimed that Musk, whose worth is estimated at $162,000,000,000.  He is second behind Jeff Bezos whose worth is estimated at $188,000,000,000.  For other Senators and Congresspeople, that’s a lot of money.


Professional thief wearing his disguise

Sanders likes to fantasize about that kind of money.  He ran for president recently and failed because all his brilliant ideas involved taking other people’s money. Seemingly in concert with the Biden Organized Crime Family, Sanders feels as though taking things that do not belong to him are fine inasmuch as the taking doesn’t involve a gun and getaway car.


But Sanders must have forgotten to take his meds and began talking into a microphone at a Senate budget committee hearing, with the words coming out of his mouth for others to hear.  Uh, oh.


He complained that Musk had enough money to feed, clothe, and educate most of the planet’s population. 


Sanders mentioned Musk’s SpaceX Company, and thought that creating thousands of high-paying technical jobs to send rockets to Mars was frivolous.  His actual words were:

“Space travel is an exciting idea, but right now we need to focus on Earth and create a progressive tax system so that children don’t go hungry, people are not homeless, and all Americans have healthcare.”


What he simply should have said was: Although you have made unbelievable amounts of money without getting dirt under your fingernails, you’re too stupid to spend it wisely.  I’ll do it for you.


But it must be borne in mind that Sanders made practically ALL his money by suckling on the guvment teat as a politician in one form or another.  He never invented anything other than greed of someone else’s money.  He has no electric cars and no rockets in his thin résumé, so, he is not only envious, he’s also an empty suit.


You get the idea.  You exploit people to get what you want, just like mom and dad.  And to punctuate this stellar example of greed, Sanders finally said, “The level of inequality in America is obscene and a threat to our democracy.”


Sanders was wrong.  He’s the true threat to our democracy by punishing success and rewarding sloth.  Get a job.