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Monday, September 28, 2020

Karl Marx was not a Marx Brother


It’s the end of September, quickly closing in on October 2020, and the world is at the 11th hour of losing its collective minds.


A presidential election is nigh, with Republicans fielding incumbent President Donald Trump, and the Democrats offering Senators Joseph Biden and Kamala Harris for the president and vice-president spots, respectively.


Only about a month in the future, this election positions the United States on the verge of greater short-term times or absolute failure, depending upon which candidate is elected the highest office.


Brainwashed college children, society’s “gimmes,” and Democratic politicians, alike, are pulling for the Biden/Harris ticket as the solution to their total fabrications and hatred for the current president, President Trump has reached a crescendo.


Adding to this nearly out-of-control scenario, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg died just a week ago, thereby creating a void on the Court.  Alas, say Democrats.


Cerebrally challenged college students were asked about President Trump’s replacement selection for Justice Ginsberg, only to wail in pain over his racist and misogynistic choice, a full four-days before the President announced his pick.  (An aside: He is scheduled to announce his candidate eight-hours from now.)


Their biases be damned – no good can come from the current White House, they say.


Race traitor Comrade Harris
and her husband

Child-like behavior is not limited to college children, either.  Low-IQ candidate, Comrade Harris, seems to be more interested in the pronunciation of her non-black name (she is half Jamaican, half Indian,) than her hatred of the Second Amendment and personal responsibility.  There is little, if any “African-American” in her as per her lineage.


Often angrily criticizing reporters and such who mispronounce her name, she should realize people who name their children should be blamed, not those who address her.  I’m just sayin’.


To punctuate her strength as a woman, and a woman-of-color at that, she feels the need to pander to those pukes that created utter chaos in Northwestern, Midwestern, and Eastern cities.


Her opinion, as a potential Vice President, is that Black Lives Matter, a Marxist/Communistic organization whose tenets are based on anti-white racism, are correct and need support to continue “these protests as an essential component of the evolution in our country.”


That’s a polite way to tell mixed-race audiences that she is a racist, without actually saying the words.  Of course if you say the words, you immediately become a bona fide racist.  But I digress.


And when St. George Floyd died at the hands of police, and bullies and other animals rioted and looted and burned major American cities, President Trump was ushered into the White House basement as a precaution.


You see, the White House was under attack by arsonists and malcontents.  The Secret Service felt President Trump would be safer in a vaulted cellar room in the event the White House was breached.  It wasn’t.


But slanted reporters and pundits pointed their crooked little fingers at our Commander-in-Chief, referring to him as a coward because of their claim of his “hiding in the basement.”


Fast forward to today and Senator Joseph Biden.  He’s terrified of COVID-19; it’s a flu virus you may have heard of.  Biden hides in his Delaware home basement the majority of the time.


His public appearances are brief, and no questions are fielded by the Senator.  It would appear he is too fragile, too fearful, or too uninformed to talk to querying reporters.  “Hiding in his basement,” maybe?


It’s more likely Senator Biden is ducking any questions from the press is because he’s too confused to offer a cogent response.  He has a government career – sucking on the guvment teat – for nearly five-decades.  For our Canadian readers that’s nearly fifty-years.


The Biden/Harris ticket is quite the offering from the party who repeatedly profess to be the party of change.  The only change with Senator Biden is his diaper.  And Senator Harris is in dire need of an attitude change for trying to turn America into a toilet.


Monday, September 21, 2020

Twist of Fate


Irony is best described as a quirk or twist of fate.  Today we are going to wade through the swamp of irony that is both well deserved and absolutely laughable.


Today’s New York Post contained an article that caught my attention.


Paragraph one therein is as follows:

“Minneapolis City Council members, who just two months ago moved to eliminate the police department, sounded the alarm during a Wednesday meeting about a surge in crime seen by their constituents.”



What that point is depends upon who is asked.  Answers varying from justice, equality, economic fairness, reparations, and defunding the police, are just a few.


One anarchistic group calling themselves Black Lives Matter has been terrorizing peoples of all colors simply because they can.  They have burned down square city blocks of businesses, torn apart established communities, and are now threatening peaceful, unattached diners, for no apparent reason other than they are mentally challenged.


Cars have been destroyed, stores looted, innocent protestors wounded or killed, all in the name of some inane cause that permits bullies to wreak havoc.


This months-long generation of wholesale carnage has been largely ignored by most of the media.  In case you’re asking yourself, “Why?” it is because the large majority of those aforementioned “activists” are Democrats living in Democrat-controlled cities.


Local politicians who include mayors, council people, district attorneys, and police chiefs, in these now burned-out ghettoes, are predominantly black, but always socialist-leaning.

They seem to desire the power of the pulpit, so to speak, so much so, that politicians will gladly jeopardize the lives and property of their constituents.  That is certainly evident through the latest figures from insurance companies regarding the claims written thus far.

Since the death of George Floyd on Memorial Day weekend, 2020, opportunists, anarchists, thugs, and protestors, have been creating chaos – some peaceful, some not – to make a point.


Estimates upward of $2,000,000,000, is modest as of today.  Of course the personal losses of photos, mementos, antiques, and other irreplaceable items – not to mention human lives – are certainly incalculable.  But those self-centered thugs don’t care.


Throughout this half-year of mayhem, Mayor Jacob Frey has been pretty vocal about supporting the destructive vandals in Minneapolis, likely trying to appease them to ensure his re-election.

Mayor Jacob Frey's re-election campaign


His cohorts on the City Council appear to the rest of the world as over-privileged snots that have no respect for anyone or anything other than themselves.


For two months, many of the Council members have been pandering to the violent animal looters and miscreants by demanding their police department be defunded.  You read that correctly.  These pukes want to remove safety and security further from the lives of Minnesotans by DEFUNDING THE POLICE.


Of course, by defunding, they mean taking tactics, equipment, and money away from those sworn officers dedicated to the protection of the populace-at-large.  The brilliant idea from this brain trust of elected morons is to have the “re-imagined” police department not enforce the laws.


Hennepin County (Minneapolis) District Attorney Mike Freeman, a Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party member, appears to have been removed from the George Floyd case at the behest of black Muslim Attorney General Keith Ellison.


Rather, the former cops would become social workers to intervene in instances of domestic abuse or lost pets.  Gone would be guns and cars with flashing lights and sirens.  Those would be beat into plowshares for community gardens, I presume.


It seems as though after several months of bad-mouthing their law enforcement community, the Minneapolis City Council has hit a brick wall trying to determine the cause of the reason for the Minneapolis Police Department’s apparent lack of enthusiasm in enforcing laws.


Who would have thunk it?


The people who oversee you and your job have made their lack of confidence in the police department clear.  They have been pandering to the troublemakers without concern for unity or cohesion, but are now baffled as to why the police department is not doing its job.


Smokey the Cat has this all figured out.


Perhaps it’s the Mayor, the City Council, and the State’s Attorney General that need to be defunded.


Nah, where would we get our entertainment from?

Monday, September 14, 2020

Old Habits



Whenever you brush your teeth it’s likely you begin by wetting the toothbrush – running it underwater from the faucet – before you squirt toothpaste onto the brush.  Then you proceed to scrub those pearly whites for a few minutes until the next scheduled cleansing.  Right?


The reason you go through that same ritual day after day, week after week, month after month, you get the point, is because that’s the way your parents taught you to perform this important exercise.


Your teachers, pediatricians, bankers, salespeople, police, nor anyone else gave you instructions for how to execute this simple, and often overlooked, task.  If you’re doing it wrong you can blame your parents; likewise, if you’re doing it correctly, you should thank your parents, too.


The reason you were taught to wet the brush prior to cleansing is because toothpaste wasn’t marketed before the 1960’s.  Before that time people used toothpowder which needed a moistened brush in order for it to adhere to the brush.


Old habits die hard.  Your parents likely used toothpowder for their own teeth which is how they learned and subsequently passed this information onto you.  You’re welcome.


For several years now, the self-anointed among us have been giving us misinformation as fact.  They falsely learned that a fellow named Christopher Columbus stole North America from the indigenous people about 500-years ago.


As the story goes, Columbus stumbled upon North America enroute to the Far East.  Not having Google Maps available, he relied on crude paper maps for navigation.


Upon his arrival, he is alleged to have passed European illnesses to the fun-loving American Indians.  Delighted, he returned to Spain for a backslapping and some high-fives.  Unfortunately, his plan to totally devastate his newly discovered land to kill everyone failed.


That’s the false narrative foist upon elementary students to bastardize the true story of the beginning of our proud nation.  Just as the violent removal and destruction of historic statutes are now in vogue, manufactured information containing little truth is being spread.


This overt deception is beginning to unravel; alas the damage is already done.


Not unlike the narrative pushed at home, and reinforced in classrooms and places of worship, black people are supposed to gravitate to the Democrat Party because Democrats love blacks.


Virginia Governor Ralph Northam embracing black lives

Again, like the toothpowder hoax and the Christopher Columbus lie, Democrats have been exploiting blacks by pandering for votes, for nearly 120-years with a serious lack of candor.


One election after another, blacks are lured to the Democrat party to cast ballots for another election cycle in hope their bidding will be done by their elected politicians.  And another election cycle passes with little or no evidence their votes are appreciated by those elected officials.


Here’s the truth about the Democrat Party.


Democrats established the Ku Klux Klan, following the Civil War, as a way to frighten and intimidate black former slaves.  In fact, a United States Senator named Robert Byrd, Democrat from West Virginia, served for 51-years until his death in 2010.  By the way, Joe Biden eulogized Sen. Byrd.


Let’s not pick on the late Grand Kleagle Byrd, but also remember other prominent Democrat Klan members such as Justice Hugo Black, Governor Theodore G. Bilbo, U.S. Senator John Gordon Brown, U.S. Senator Joseph E. Brown, Federal District Court Judge Elmer David Davies, Governor Bibb Graves, Governor Clifford Walker, Congressman George Gordon, and Mayors John Clinton Porter and Benjamin Stapleton.


That abbreviated list of cross-burners were public officials who claimed to have the best interest of blacks in their racist political agendas needed to be made readily available for all to see.


So it seems as though the nearly unanimous support for the Democrats by black throughout the generations have been another bogus toothpowder story passed down from generation to generation by misinformed families to their progenies.


And those slanted stories about Democrats being protectors and defenders of blacks are nothing but tripe as can be seen through the window of history.  Looking back at school desegregation in the 1960’s, it was the Democrats who sent in the National Guard to prevent black school children form entering to learn, summarily preventing integration of America.


It took decades for Republicans to fully integrate schools, and the military and corporate America are still working through the integration process.


Unfortunately, Democrats are still fighting the Civil War as if they were the victors.  And no, blacks are not beloved by the Democrats, rather they are viewed as votes for achieving more power for the likes of Joe Biden, and placing restrictions on all Americans, black and white.


It’s about time the Democrats’ chains of slavery were removed by telling the truth about manipulation and pandering thereby allowing blacks to choose better in the upcoming elections.   

Monday, September 7, 2020

The Unknown

Amid the throes of an international medical emergency – a pandemic – we find ourselves mired in political poop.

Corona virus Disease 2019, aka.: COVID-19, shortened to simply “corona virus,” is the latest in corona viruses, which appear regularly throughout the world.  This particular strain is thought to have begun in China.

Not being a medical doctor, information gathered indicates corona virus is relatively common, and usually appears in the form of a cold or the flu.  In some cases, this virus can be direr because of the frailty of its infected individuals.


Especially young and old members of society are sometimes too fragile to fight off the effects of these viruses, which can result in fatalities.


Truck carrying Democrat political promises


Evidently, COVID-19 is somewhat unique in that it is thought to be able to morph, of course that is not a given.


Neither is the “fact” that it is deadly in all instances.  It is also thought to be spread by casual contact, but maybe not.  It can be prevented by regular hand-washing, perhaps.  Epidemic?  Not sure.


The world simply doesn’t know because it is much too soon to sort through the copious amounts of information being generated – both true and otherwise.


Television “news” broadcasts suggest buying N95 masks – the kind the world witnessed Michael Jackson parade around in.  They also suggest thoroughly washing hands, sneezing into your elbow, and avoiding overly crowded public spaces, as ways to prevent the contraction of corona virus.


Once again, no one really knows if this information is valid or simply ways of calming the masses of potential victims.


President Donald Trump tried to close America’s borders to Asian visitors back in January 2020.  He was roundly labeled a bigot and xenophobe by Democrats and most of the media.


He also tried to better control the southern border to keep out unknown trespassers from entering without the benefit of country of origin information or medical tests.  Again, he was tagged as insensitive and legally challenged by the self-anointed nitwits in the press.


Now, we are in the course of trying to identify and stem the tide of the corona virus against the cheering and encouragement of killing more Americans, for which Democrats are prayerful.


Speaking of which, both Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are making the rounds with their usual pious spiels about how President Trump was asleep at the wheel, and totally divorced from the goings-on in his own country, to take the necessary steps to combat corona virus.


Alas, they are once again wrong.  Dead wrong, in fact.  They are seizing on a national health issue to further their own smarmy political gains at the expense of Americans like you and me.


Business-as-usual Chuck N’ Nancy seem to have forgotten about their ardent efforts to derail President Trump’s efforts to stop this virus from reaching our shores.  And they may have been successful.


As of this writing, many, many cases of COVID-19 have been discovered in the United States, and those infected are being treated.


But back to those aforementioned N95 masks.  They are still available through hardware stores, home improvement centers, and on-line.  Unfortunately, they are very, very pricey.  These disposable paper masks are bordering on $20 each; their non-emergency price is 85 cents.


That is called price gouging.  This is the same thing that happens during hurricanes.  Plywood, tarps, generators, and fuel, skyrocket as supplies are limited, and demand is high.


People are now panicking for these masks that don’t protect you, rather they protect others from the infected you.


Still, the high minded are chastising merchants for exercising free-trade to make prices affordable for the average person in order to benefit all in society.


Which makes me wonder why, if solar panels and windmills are so beneficial to society and the threat of climate change – which renowned scientists like Leonardo DiCaprio and Bill Nye and AOC contend – are of paramount importance to all, are not forced to be sold at more affordable prices?


It’s that “common sense” stuff that our half-baked politicians keep stuffing down our throats as hard and fast science that is actually more political poop.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020



Texting is something I’ve been doing since we got computers at work in 1990’s.  Sure, I had a modest “hobby” computer at home, but that was only to allow me the ability to teach myself to write code.


That little computer can be viewed more of a toy than a real tool, still I learned DOS and the fact no one would ever use a computer if they needed to type out commands; there were not desktop icons representing the point and click factors we have today.


Likewise, email was as arduous – even at work – because those computers, too, were DOS-based and required typing out commands such as SEND, OPEN, EXIT, and DELETE, to make things happen.


There was no “texting” as such.  In fact, everything was texting, and I disliked it.


Fast forward 25-years, or so, and today we have phones that are not only free of wires attached to the wall, that can outperform my trusty hobby computer and work machine, both.


Back when, kids began using texts to be not only communicative with one another, but also secretive.  Texting is mostly silent, save for the little clicks replicating typewriters of yore, an electronic noise that can be turned-off.


In the early days, kids in schools texted each other with aplomb passing cryptic messages around, not unlike I used to with the benefit of paper written upon with pencils.  Those childish informal notes not only mocked fellow classmates, but also informed others via an ersatz underground grapevine.


Endings were often swift once the parochial school nuns made the discovery of those pieces of paper and meted out justice with long, wooden pointers in the cloak rooms. And so it went right through high school until we discovered girls.  But I digress.


There’s a little fish wrapping tool out there titled The Washington Post, which is owned by Jeff Bezos, the wealthiest man in the Milky Way.


He not only owns The Post, but also Amazon, a company that sells everything including books.  You’d think that someone so invested in the written word would do his best to maintain a sense of decorum when it comes to, well, the written word.  Of course, you’d be wrong.


A 2015 article appeared in the December 8th online edition of The Post, entitled “Study confirms that ending your texts with a periods is terrible.”


This eye-catching heading made me go back for a closer examination.


“Ending your texts with a period is truly monstrous. We all know this. Grammar be darned, it just doesn't look friendly,” read the first paragraph.


It seems someone named Celia Klin, “wrote that text messages ending with a period are perceived as being less sincere, probably because the people sending them are heartless.”


All this came as a giant surprise to me inasmuch as I spent lots of time learning how to read and write according to specific rules at the hands of nuns and lay people, alike, for decades.


Of course some of you are questioning the value of those years of education by reading my offerings and thinking everyone involved would be better off with a stern beating rather than a diploma, or two.


Evidently a study of texters – a group whose identity is very nebulous, probably cohorts of Celia Klin – determined that texts ending in periods gave the readers a sense they were “less sincere” than those without a period at the end of the sentences.


Well, I recall a book from Don Marquis written in 1916, entitled “Archy and Mehitabel.”


Marquis was a writer for New York City’s The Evening Sun Newspaper.  Archy and Mehitable were contrived characters – a cockroach and a cat – and their adventures in and about The Sun’s building during off-hours.


It was very entertaining, however it was “written” by Archy, the cockroach, who was too small to effectively operate an old, manual typewriter.  In order to add punctuations and capital letters, both the appropriate key, in addition to the “Shift” key, needed to be depressed simultaneously.  That feat was impossible for such a small critter.


As such, the entire book was written without punctuations and capitals.


Not unlike The Post story, punctuation is not being used, but for entirely different reasons.  One doesn’t use periods because it may offend the reader, while one doesn’t use periods because of logistics.


Is capitalization next to go?