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Monday, February 4, 2019

Dangerous Nitwits in Government

For the past several years, those states that still utilize capital punishment to reduce recidivism of heinous crimes, have been under fire from activists attempting to get those states to end those killings.

Let’s take this opportunity to review several issues.

Activists are those people who feel everyone on the planet deserves the absolute right to not only live, but also make countless mistakes.  Those “mistakes” include murder, rape, and aggravated assault – all felonies – and all extremely serious.  Most have no lives.

Recidivism is the recurrence of commission of crimes, ad nauseum.

Capital punishment is the penalty for committing serious, heinous crimes, with extreme prejudice.  That means those crimes are so horrific in nature, and the criminal proves to be unrepentant, the only punishment remaining is death.  Death administered by the state can be any number of ways, determined by the individual state.

Many states have outlawed capital punishment altogether because activists have muddied the truth about such a serious, non-reversible penalty being racist.  However, those states that still apply the death penalty where necessary sometimes use various methods to conduct business.

Activists who so avidly wave The Constitution in our faces when it comes to the Second Amendment and the First Amendment, and abortion, found the words, “cruel and unusual punishment,” therein.

Their twisted take on those words in the Eighth Amendment have been convoluted by lawyers so desirous and agog about releasing convicted murderous felons into anyone’s backyard – except their own – they have bastardized the meaning of protection for the innocent population at-large.

Still, some brave states have kept capital punishment in its arsenal of protection of its people.  To assuage the fears of those vocal, misinformed activists, those brave states offer the death penalty in a variety of effective methods.

Depending on the state, the express lane to St. Peter can be via electrocution, the gas chamber, firing squad, hanging, and lethal injection.  All are very efficient and very final.

And, in some states, death row inmates have the ability to select a method of termination.

It seems that doctors feel lethal injection is the most humane way to execute people.  After all, that is the same system used to help our beloved pets go on Animal Heaven.

Unfortunately, pesky lawyers and activists cry, “Foul,” as a final appeal up until the last second, for humanity.  For humanity, I said.  Not humanity for the long-deceased victims, but for the criminal who has now found God.  That’s good news, because they’re headed His way very soon.

This is where I found irony in this cesspool-like legal quagmire.

Virginia is the home-state of  Just the other day, Delegate Kathy Tran-(D) sponsored a bill – that was co-sponsored by Del. Dawn Adams-(D) – which would administer a more violent and mind-numbing death sentence to helpless babies.

Their bill would allow for the outright killing of a baby – which some activists call an “unviable life source” – for any number of lame reasons, including a "woman's right to choose."

Picture of an unviable life source
Newly elected Virginia Governor Ralph Northam-(D), a pediatric neurology specialist, agreed with Del. Tran’s bill.  Unfortunately, the public went ballistic and demanded more information on this appalling idea to simply murder innocent babies at the will of the mother.

Co-sponsor Del. Adams quickly learned her loyalty to such sick, dreadful legislation could not be hidden.  Her excuse was that she didn’t thoroughly read the bill, and merely signed the bill “in solidarity with fellow women.”  Quite the legislator, I’d say.

Unfortunately, both Gov. Northam and Del. Tran are unrepentant, bordering on defiant.

It was Mahatma Ghandi who said “A nation's greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members.”

Those are usually the oldest and youngest of civilization.

And there’s another election on the horizon.