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Monday, September 26, 2016

Schizophrenic Nitwits

Over the past year or so, a loosely created group of malcontents began a fraternity that alienates and
A peaceful protest?
antagonizes a great deal of Americans.

It seems as though this gaggle of rabble rousers started because of a perceived injustice in a previously-anonymous town called Ferguson, Missouri.

A few years back a large street thug was terrorizing Ferguson with strong arm robberies and such, with impunity.  This puke had a photo of him donning musical headphones while wearing a smirk.

This fellow, who could not follow the law, was reported to have assaulted a local shop owner because the racist shop owner tried to stop the shoplifting of cigars bay this turd.


It so happens the police were dispatched to the scene but, this over-sized pinhead refused to take orders from the responding officer.  This is where it gets good.

The officer was assaulted by this “gentle giant” who was subsequently shot to death in a move of self defense.

Community members, who were fed tripe about the incident replete with gross exaggerations and lies, felt the need to burn down a pharmacy, because that is what you do when you want to honor a street thug.

Cars were also overturned, dumpsters were set ablaze, and shops were looted, all in the name of justice.

To justify this behavior by these miscreants, two slogans were established.  “Hands up, don’t shoot,” was one.  The other was “Black lives matter.”

The first one was based on a lie by eyewitnesses who fabricated the scene to indict the police officer.  The second slogan was transformed into a movement, of sorts.

These idle hands and minds are now traveling the country to apparently attempt to instigate controversy and possibly create mayhem among the populace.

This is an election year, and some of these self-centered nitwits have sporadically attempted to disrupt campaign appearances and debates by presidential candidates.

Demanding candidates agree that only black lives matter has become a sport among the weak-minded among us.

Still, they cannot gain momentum with the general populace likely because of their racist message.

Black Lives Matter excludes whites, browns, yellows, and reds.  That is not inclusive but, they demand to be separate.  And that’s fine with me.

You see, they are calling me a racist without knowing me.  On the other hand, because of their message to America, I now know them and want to have nothing to do with them or the garbage they spew.

It is time to stand up to these law breakers and say, “Go get a job and a life!”

Those ignorant bigots have been intimidating good citizens because they want trouble of an apocalyptic nature.

They’re phonies much like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and other race pimps.  Crocodile tears stream down their black cheeks while attempting to explain away violent behavior and chanting “black lives matter.”  They are lying.

A case in point, Chicago had, as of September 5, 2016, 474 murders, and 2,300 non-fatal shootings this year.  In August alone, there were 92 murders, and 384 non-fatal shootings.  Most were black.  But, those lives don’t matter.

No protests, no sitting while the national anthem is played, no looting – nothing.  The reason being, they’re racist hypocrites.
