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Monday, October 3, 2016

They’re Wrong

Dangerous for little eyes
We are into the early weeks of football season.  Already we have seen some shenanigans from divas who believe their puny thoughts trump everyone else’s.

That jerk from the 49’ers who so badly demanded press, got it.  The next week, a smattering of other wanna-bes who climbed on the media-whore train received some press, too.

But other stuff has been happening throughout the NFL since the season opener a few weeks ago.

One of the major problems in the football league is the offensive names of some of the teams.

It seems as though over the past several years America has gone from “one nation under God, indivisible,” to the land of the Easily-offended.

Upon examination, the names of the teams have been around for years and years without issue.  Today, however, the easily-offended among us have selected a cause to keep them busy without any redeeming value to society as a whole.

The elite have refused to say the word “Redskins” as a team name because, according to the elite, is derogatory toward Indians.

There I go again.  “Indians” seems to be a bad word, too.

Those elites feel as if you use Indians to describe a nationality of people, those indigenous people will be offended.

Now when I say Indian people, I mean the Indians who are known by tribe names such as Hopi, Mohawk’s, Seneca’s, and so on.  The reason these folks were identified as Indians is because Christopher Columbus landed on pre-America land and mistook the indigenous as Middle East Indians.

That was not derogatory; it was a mistake.  Nonetheless, the ill-informed elites claim the name Redskins is suddenly offensive because the Indians of America fame are denoted as savages and easily identified as having skin that is redder in appearance than Columbus and his crew.

Allow me to try to assist the elite better explain their position for ridding the country of this overly-offensive moniker.

These elites would like teams in violent contact sports such as football to be more demure.  The mere idea of two men running into one another, causing contusions, broken bones, and concussions, is not as frightening and disturbing as uttering the word Redskins.

Of course if the name of the team was changed, it would only be “a good first step.”  Next, we would be awash with debates about which uniform colors were acceptable, eventually ending all the carnage.  Period.

We have seen debates about the color of coaches, number of women being locked-out of these games as players, rampant drug use, steroids, and how we should accept players who beat their spouses.

Instead we are force-fed disdain for non-black America by ill-informed black America armed with misinformation salted with tainted ideas.  Thanks for pointing out our shortcomings.