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Monday, September 12, 2016

Say What You Mean

Recently while having a drink at the golf and yacht club, I met a guy who was somewhat under the  Seated alone, and being full of tongue lubricant, he felt it was necessary to engage the first person who made eye contact in meaningless conversation.

That would be me.  Yea!

This fellow was clearly suffering from diarrhea of the mouth and proceeded to tell me his whole life history.

When we reached his college years, he told me about his road trip across some New England state.

He told me his teeth were cut on this newly-purchased bike which he later sold to buy another, and he has one he regularly rides until this day.  He LOVES biking.

After and easy twenty-minutes of this blather I feigned interest and inserted a question.

“Do you have a Schwinn?  My sainted wife got a Schwinn adult tricycle for Christmas,” was my best offering.

A hard glare from him was added to his slurred speech before he sharply attempted to retort, “No.  Ith a Ha Ha Har ley Davis.  Son!”

I didn’t feel bad because he failed to say what he meant.  He should have said, “I bought a motorcycle and stupidly bought another until I graduated to another overpriced one that is noisy, and simply serves as a symbol of sexual inadequacy for middle-aged guys.”

People do it all the time.  They want to fluff their résumés so they use sentences with titles such as “I’m a bouncer.”

That immediately brings a visual in to my mind of a giant balloon of a guy being dribbled, basketball-like down a sidewalk.  Of course that’s not what they mean. 

They really mean they were lousy at high school wrestling and football, they smoked too much weed between classes, and finally dropped out of school.  In order to find gainful employment they got a menial job abusing strangers in exchange for looking even stupider than they really are.

And don’t think for a moment that women are immune from such shenanigans.  While in a public situation, women will buddy-up to allegedly powder their noses.  For the uninformed, that means they’re going to gab about their dates, in private.

If they are one-on-one with a guy, they will use the same words about their noses.  In this situation, they really mean they’re going to either pee or launch a poop.  They would be more accurate if they said what they meant.

“I’m going to take a dump.  Do you happen to have the sports section with you?  If not, we’ll gab about our underachiever dates, is far more succinct.

You see, there would be little or no miscommunication if we all said what we meant.  Let’s try it.