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Monday, May 16, 2016


I love to share news, and although this news is not necessarily good or bad, you will be the first to hear it.

It’s official!  The world has come unglued.

Ferguson, Missouri, rioters are hailed as “heroes” for standing up to a police industrial complex who killed a street thug, who just assaulted a shop owner, and refused to heed police orders.  Bravo!

Weasels, under the guise of “women’s rights” protectors, are murdering innocent babies in order to sell their little organs.  Imbeciles applaud these measures in the vein of “women’s health.”  They are funded by federal tax dollars.  Bravo!

A local chairperson of the NAACP is found to be a white woman.  She claims to be a black woman.  She was born to two white parents.  FYI, the NAACP is the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.  Colored people are not white people.  Bravo, again!

The mentally ill jerk that killed a slew of students at a community college in Oregon was black.  The media desperately tried to portray him as white, including linking him to white supremacist activities, and even tinting his photo to make him look white.  Bravo!

Some Florida guy was arrested because he broke into a house and vandalized it because, according to him, he listened to too much music and masturbated too much, which made him go crazy and destroy stuff.  No word yet on how the judge felt about this cretin.

The Republican Party wanted to win the presidential election in 2016, but only if their chosen candidate is selected by its delegates.  Citizen favorites need not apply because they are not part of the establishment.  Read: You’re not going to screw Americans like we have been doing for decades.

In a related matter, stupid Americans are protesting Donald Trump’s promise to build a wall to keep illegal foreigners and terrorists out.  They claim racism.  They are imbeciles.

Just as inane, singer Bono, from U2 fame, has a stellar plan to defeat ISIS.  ISIS is the Islamic State of Iran and Syria.  Bono suggests the United States send comedians to Syria to make fun of them and make them laugh.  No lie.  Did I mention this genius is a singer?

A woman was let into a Florida funeral home to use the bathroom.  Instead, she slipped into a viewing room and stole a ring from a displayed customer’s finger.  Too bad it was a 99-cent plastic ring, and too bad she was caught on video.  Now she can’t lie about this scenario.

At the corner of dumb and dumber, we find college-aged pukes who feel the rest of America should pay for their college education.  It’s clear they didn’t learn anything about the financial world up until this point making them too ignorant to attend college, or vote.

And while we’re on the subject of paying for things, those highly skilled burger flippers are demanding a raise in pay to $15+ and hour.  Once again, those uninformed deadbeats would rather gouge their customers than better themselves by obtaining a degree or a marketable skill.  Not to worry, robots will replace them within five-years.

Lastly, Pope Francis offered his two cents about those pesky, unvetted Syrian refugees that President Barack Hussein Obama so desperately wants to bring to America.  The Pope seems to think we are being selfish in denying scores of these possible terrorists entry into our country.  I’ll bet Pope Francis is opening the doors of the Vatican as I write.

Didn’t I tell you the world is unglued?