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Monday, May 1, 2023

Spending Lots


 Let’s begin with some ‘fun with numbers.’ Numbers are those things that so many Americans dislike because they never, ever end.

There are only 26-letters in the English language, but there are literally endless numbers; those can very quickly become overwhelming, which leads to terror.

Growing up, the really big number we bandied about was “million.”

If, years ago, someone appeared affluent, they were referred to as a millionaire. A million dollars is genuinely a lot of money. For example, imagine you had a million dollars, and spent a dollar a day from the day Christ was born – that’s 2023 years ago – you would not have yet spent a million dollars.

Today, however, is a bit different. Over the years, things got a lot more expensive due to many things including inflation and globalization. Our next rung in the numbers ladder is a billion. A billion is actually pretty easy to determine size because a billion is a thousand million. That’s a lot, too.

Here’s an example of how much a billion is in terms of volume. My last job lasted 31-years before I retired. Now for some fun facts: there are 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, and 24 hours in a day. All that equates to 86,400 seconds in one day.

Spending a dollar every second, without days off for medical appointments, sleeping, vacations, or traveling, you would need more than 31 years to spend a billion dollars.

But just a few years ago, the Barack Hussein Obama era ushered in something called “trillion.” A trillion is a thousand billion. According to my calculator, in order to spend a trillion dollars, you would need to live more than 31,000 years to spend this mother lode. That’s a nose-bleed number for almost anyone – except Joe Biden, that is.

Our current president, Joe “Ol’ Plugs” Biden, is working especially hard to reach a new record for spending money, and has proved himself genuinely adept. He, since he’s been in office for the last 2½ years, has pushed our National Debt to over $31,707,407,800,310, as of the time of this writing. Now’s a great time to review the last four paragraphs.

Click here for the actual 👉  National Debt Clock

The National Debt should not be confused, though, with the National Deficit. The Debt is what the guvment owes after borrowing the monies it so desperately needed because it overspent like a bunch of drunken sailors – my apology to drunken sailors.

The Deficit, on the other hand, is the shortcoming of money requested from Congress. Imagine you want a new bicycle that costs $200. Unfortunately, you only have $125 in your bank account; you’ll either wait and save the extra 75 bucks, or borrow the $75. The guvment loves borrowing, hence the Debt. That’s the way the average consumer works.

However, if the guvment wants more money, they merely raise taxes. And that’s irresponsible.

Of course, the Debt is fluid due to the ever-increasing interest rate on the borrowed money.

Adults should know about the perils of borrowing simply because of the perpetual hole being dug every second that debt goes unreconciled. It’s too bad our political leaders don’t have a clue about from where money comes.

Alas, they really do know where it comes from: you. Yes, you and your taxes are what feed any guvment behemoth, and it’s now rarely done covertly, unlike in the past. Years ago, politicians would fain public safety for increasing taxes on such things as cigarettes, gasoline, and even rain!

Ol' Plugs enjoys repeating the lame phrase, “Make the rich pay their fair share.” While catchy, there aren’t enough billionaires in America to even get our Debt down $1,000,000,000,000.

But with the advent of the internet and select television channels such as local government operations and CSPAN, information has been traveling far and wide, quickly. Now, parents, concerned residents, businessmen, as well as school children, are able to watch and comment to legislating bodies for the benefit of all.

Today we find ourselves facing another guvment mugging in the form of a surprised President Biden who, while dealing with a self-induced recession, and subsequent soaring product prices and interest rates, has been blaming “MAGA Republicans” for all his woes.

Its’ not as though Ol’ Plugs Biden had no idea how much the guvment surplus is, he has intentionally driven the economy, along with his out-of-control spending, quickly flying toward the recession mountain, only to now blame this financial mess on anyone but the guy in the mirror.

Months away from a new budget, Plugs has finally drawn a line in the sand with GOP Representatives who have the ability to accommodate Biden’s administration with even more cash to prevent a default on the Debt loan. Fingers crossed, the Biden administration is doing gyrations to raise the “debt ceiling.” His luck may be running out, though.

This game of chicken is not going to end well. But it should be mentioned again, that Plugs and his fellow Democrats voted for one trillion dollar spending bill after another.

Although Biden has been in the guvment in one position or another for nearly a half-century, he is still unclear on how to accept responsibility his reckless actions and sleight-of-hand in introducing his misnamed bills to fool the taxpayers into supporting his rash spending.

Biden has now reached a crossroads where he must either wait or continue spending on credit. Personally, I’m much too broke from our horribly disastrous economy to be able to afford a tax increase just like most of the rest of the country.

Mr. Biden: show some restraint and pity on the country.