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Monday, May 29, 2023

Time to Stop Playing

  Some of my earliest aspirations in life were pretty easy to name: either a soldier or a policeman. Both seemed awfully community-minded, even though I had no idea what those words meant. I did know soldiers used rifles and bombs and tanks, while policemen drove cars with lights and sirens. What could be better than that?

Cowboys and Indians before political correctness

After school time was spent pretending to be both – at different times, of course – with the neighborhood kids who toted plastic guns, fake hand grenades, and sporting army helmets, while meandering through nearby woods. When not playing soldier, we played a variation called ‘cops and robbers,’ or yet another, ‘cowboys and Indians.’

We were divided into teams – good guys vs. bad guys – and the good guys usually “won” any foray-du jour. But I digress.

No matter the fantasy we were playing, we realized we were not real soldiers or real policemen; it was fun time for our creative, inquisitive minds.

Eventually we outgrew these activities, graduating to board games – inasmuch as video games had yet to be invented – which kept us busy until we discovered something called ‘girls.’

The rest of that girls thing is fodder for another story at another time.

But we knew the difference between pretending to be something and the real thing. I recall occasions when our parents would take us aside to explain that The Three Stooges, as well as Superman, were fake, and we could get hurt clobbering each other on the head with a hammer, or jumping out a window while wearing a tablecloth.

None of use were that stupid, although evidently our parents thought otherwise.

Still, we had fun because we were kids and we were grounded in semi-reality.

Not unlike early television’s Big Time Wrestling in days of yore, when grown men would toss half-dressed opponents through the air onto the mat in order to evoke cheers from the crowd, most of us knew there were likely some shenanigans going on with these black & white TV athletes of the time.

Recalling our parent’s warnings about Superman, we avoided diving off the back porch onto our next door buddy to replicate a move we saw Pat O’Connor or Killer Kowalski effect; we were young, but not necessarily dumb.

Pretending back then was fun, keeping in mind it was not real. Today’s kids, however, have appeared to gravitate away from playing soldier, while keeping the cops & robbers thing alive. Unfortunately, today’s kids are different; they now use stolen real guns, and shoot to kill to steal cars, money, drugs, and even to settle a perceived disrespectful glance from a stranger.

Crazy!” you say? Sure, but it’s real. Today that fantasy portion of kids' lives has vanished, and kids are no longer kids. Rather, they are now products of emotional manipulation by activist teachers and politicians who have been grooming and coddling this new crop of miscreants to wreak havoc on society.

It seems as though children in our modern world are being pushed – rather shoved – toward futures not of their liking. Just as I am in my twilight years, I look in the rear-view mirror of life and don’t see a soldier or police career looking back. Yet I am proud of my mediocre life choices, and fondly recall my youth.

Kids today, though, are being mentally abused into believing they are not what or who they think they are. Some schools have even introduced litter boxes in classrooms for kids who think they are, or want to be, cats. No lie.

Teachers/educators are avidly instructing and encouraging children to secretly change their sex. Going as far as to claim preventing life-altering sex-change operations for adolescents is actually child abuse and cruelty, teachers have clearly joined the battle against family and sanity.

What???” you say. Yes, you read that right.

Eight-year-old children are being encouraged to change their sex if they ever felt as though they might have been born “with the wrong body.”

So as not to upset the parents or stop this irreversible surgical procedure, the children are sworn to secrecy, keeping any thoughts or conversions from their mommies and daddies.

To normalize this sick, sordid “transition,” Madison Avenue-types have boarded the Sleazy Train, along with a handful of suicidal corporations.

A few weeks ago, Budweiser found a transsexual whose only claim-to-fame is that he/she became a sex change individual. ‘It’ kinda looks like a woman, while kinda looking like a man. Icky.

Budweiser’s infinite wisdom incorporated this now freak-of-nature to proudly represent their Bud Light line of beer. Unfortunately for Budweiser, their Bud Light sales fell faster and farther than Wile E. Coyote off a desert cliff. In fact, the female genius behind this ad campaign was summarily placed on “extended leave” status. I’m guessing that’s another way to say ‘punishment for screwing up.’

While all this made headline news, clothier Calvin Klein, who apparently is unfamiliar with a newspaper, thought it would be a great idea to put a bearded black man wearing a woman’s swimsuit, in their latest ads. Perhaps they are also unfamiliar with competitive swimmer Lia Thomas. Perhaps.

Not to be left out of these bone-headed ideas, a little-known retailer named Target proudly rearranged their store displays to place female swimwear front and center in their stores. Included therein are bathing suits with sewn-in ‘hammocks’ for guy parts, aka.: family jewels. These gay-oriented swimsuits are made with unmistakable rainbow patterns, clearly identifying users as a guvment-protected class member.

Outgrowing pretending child-age fantasies is a natural progression in life. Everyone cannot be, or wants to be, or winds up being what they wanted to be, later in life. Regardless of what the anointed on the Left say, those children – all children – belong to their parents. And it’s the parent’s responsibility to assure their place in child-rearing.

Don’t allow Leftists to dictate their wishes over your obligation as a parent.


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