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Monday, August 3, 2020

Just the Facts

“We need non-violence.  But I would say, let’s start by abolishing the military and disarming the police.”

That quote is pretty powerful stuff, and nearly coherent, from avowed Marxist and professor emeritus at the University of California, Santa Cruz, Angela Davis.  And no, it is not a new idea created by 2020 looters and rioters to call attention to the “systemic racism” dog whistle.

Davis is a rabble-rouser has-been who seems obsessed with the fact she is black, writing for decades about white oppression, white racism, and Marxist feminism – whatever that is – likely to justify her hate for anything non-black.

I’ve never met Davis, but have heard about her shenanigans throughout the years, as well as her legal woes, surrounding her political bent.  She was a member of the Communist Party, U.S.A., and is not shy about her close affiliation therewith.  In fact, she ran as a vice-presidential candidate on the CPUSA ticket, twice.

The good news is that Davis won the Soviet Union’s Lenin Peace Prize, and has gained acclaim for her work on American Leftist causes.  Yea!

Still, she remained affiliated with UCSC, shaping heads full of adolescent mush with vicious, hateful propaganda about Americans and America.  Not an insignificant goal that leads us to today’s inane slogans being grasped by politicians and businesses, alike.  But I digress.

Speaking of which, Congressman Bobby Lee Rush, a black Democrat from Illinois, just crawled out from under his rock to offer his take on America’s current racial situation.
Bobby Lee Rush, professional whiner

Rush began his sordid public life in the original Black Panther Party.  For your information, the original Black Panther Party was much more than a social club for black people to play canasta.  It was an organization that attempted to control local jurisdictions with fear and violence.

Rush is still a racist who publicly stated President Donald Trump, “wants to instigate a race war.”  For punctuation, he added that President Trump was doing this so he could say he was the “grand wizard of the Klu Klux Klan [sic].”

Of course this is because President Trump wants to stop the localized violence in Seattle, Portland, St. Louis, and Chicago, but don’t tell Bobby.

By making such a statement only confirms how mentally underprovided Rep. Rush is.  In case you missed it, Rush is a Congressman in the Democratic Party.  The Democrat Party is the same party to which Virginia Governor Ralph Northam belongs.

A few weeks ago, I wrote about Governor Northam’s light-hearted photo showing him and a buddy wearing black face and a Ku Klux Klan outfit.  He apologized, which is enough for erasure of his systemic racism.

The bad news is that the rest of white America is still on the hook for slavery, mistreatment of blacks, reparations, selective workforce placement, and educational failures.

But this is where the curious part begins.

Rush, and Northam, are determined to make a point of punishing white people for being white.  Sure, Northam is white, but he is paving the future vision of our country with ultra-restrictive laws and policies that favor the mission of The Left.

Lessons in schools, bloviating politicians, and fabricated “news” stories, have perpetuated untruths about the United States, its people, and its history.

Sanitized versions of the backgrounds of Rush, and Northam, in concert with the media, fail to mention the Democratic Party’s sordid history.  Although self-righteous in 2020, the Democratic Party has its roots in the cesspool of racism it is now desperately trying hide.

After the Civil War, the domestic conflict that pitted brother against brother, the Democratic Party “sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South, especially by using voter intimidation and targeted violence against African-American leaders,” according to Wikipedia.  (It was the Republican Party that freed the slaves.)

In case you missed it, the Democratic Party was staunchly against Republicans and blacks.  How blacks arrived at the notion the Democratic Party’s aim was to help them is simply baffling.  Perhaps it was the lies; perhaps it was the empty promises.

In any case, Democratic municipal leaders are currently pointing their crooked little fingers and vilifying Republicans who are trying to empower blacks, blaming them for anything incendiary that could preclude the President from being re-elected, while making those out-of-control cities safe from everyone.

Those are the facts.  Use your heads.