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Monday, July 27, 2020

Manufactured Anguish

For over six decades I have been personally hearing about how hateful the United States of America is.  My formative years began in the 1960’s just about the time integration became a reality.

My parochial elementary school began filling the seats with a modest number of black kids.  We learned lessons, recited poetry, prayed, played, and acted in school plays, together.

We were not black and white kids, rather we were kids.

Our parents worked together at the local factories, shopped together at area stores, and drove similar cars.

But all was not without controversy.

Today’s headlines scream racism from every angle and place white people squarely in its crosshairs.

Just a month ago I discovered I was suffering from something some nitwit ginned-up called “systemic racism.”

According to news reports, systemic racism is an element derived from the amount of melatonin in ones body.  If you’re black, you’re okay; if you’re white, there’s no hope for repentance.

Over those six previously mentioned decades I played ball, worked, socialized, and admired blacks – not because they were black, but because they were friends and colleagues.

Because a dirty cop in Minneapolis, Minnesota, killed an unarmed black man, black and white members of society joined together to condemn the hate while resurrecting systemic racism.

Once again, whites, including myself, were labeled racist without a shred of evidence other than self-imposed grandiosity and years of fictional cultural lore passed down from generation to generation about how bad whites are.

In the name of “justice,” over-exuberant malcontents took to the streets to stand side-by-side the protestors, in a Trojan Horse-type scenario.

A peek into Minneapolis' Summer of Love
Anarchistic white thugs along with greedy black thugs looted and rioted major cities across America, making demands and requiring atonement for decades of oppression towards blacks.

A case of perpetual slavery again reared its ugly head and began pointing at everyone and everything not black.

Dumpster fires were commonplace as were broken windows and burned-out vehicles.  Cupcake shops were vandalized for some inane reason that only makes sense to the puny-minded miscreants among us.

Running out of ways to impose that “shock factor” on society, these hooligans turned to statues.  Inanimate relics of a time gone by, history to remind us of the past, needed to be destroyed in the name of that bogus systemic racism.

Monuments to our Founding Fathers, Christopher Columbus, varying Presidents, and even abolitionists, were unceremoniously torn down – with some being decapitated and set afire, with others tossed into ponds – to make a point.  Alas there was none to be found.

This senseless vandalism and destruction of history, although criminal, is not seen as a big deal to affected governors and mayors and city council members.  According to one mediocre mayor, this is viewed by her as a beginning to the “summer of love.”  Sure.

But the true deep thinking is arising to the surface to demonstrate how intelligent or ignorant these angry protestors really are.

Every action’s excuse is connected somehow – much like the seven degrees of separation of Kevin Bacon – to racism.

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and even Matthias Baldwin, an outspoken abolitionist, statues were destroyed because of some sort of link to racism and slavery.

These weak minded, destructive clowns are using white America as a target for their heinous, ill-directed attempt as “justice,” while forcing white society into silence.

I have yet to hear about any mosques burned, looted, or otherwise vandalized.  These studious anarchists should have learned that a religious leader named Muhammad took slaves after he moved to Medina in what is now Saudi Arabia.

Go ahead and poke your grubby little fingers in the eye of Islamists rather than passive Americans.  See how many acts of violence you’ll be able to get away with.

Wink, wink.