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Monday, August 10, 2020

A Boycott to be Proud of



The easily offended among us have arisen since the death of George Floyd.  I’m going to gloss over this ugly death, but will address the social fruit it has borne. 


Privileged white kids slid into peaceful protests to firebomb, loot, and disrupt America’s great society to alter our nation’s direction.  Under the guise of “systemic racism,” a number of major cities have fallen prey to these ne’er-do-wells.


These pukes hate America and loyal, patriotic Americans because their teachers and mentally defective parents and friends deluded them into believing our nation is terrible.  It is not.  Hint: Think Zimbabwe and Venezuela.


Opportunists quickly seized on the chaos of a world-wide corona virus pandemic to wreak havoc upon already terrified American citizens, filling their heads with fear of potential violence and financial ruin.


Since this mayhem began more than a month ago, inanimate objects have been subject to destruction similar to the burning of a Macy’s store in NYC, and the wholesale destruction of a cupcake boutique in Minneapolis.


Media types and other liars pooh-poohed this unconscionable ruination as peaceful, and expressions of love.  They were nothing of the sort; a better description would be temper tantrums from communist anarchists, which is what they really are.


Of course this unpalatable behavior is tolerated with a wink and a nod from the Democrat mayors and governors ruling the areas in which these activities are being conducted.  Turning a blind eye to the great loss of merchandise, buildings, precious personal belongings, and incalculable hard work, amounts to giving true Americans the big middle finger.


In retrospect, this really began in 2016, with the antics of a lame quarterback named Colin Kaepernick.  Kaepernick was a so-so football player who thought of himself as mo’-betta than he really was.


Sitting on the bench for the San Francisco 49ers, Kaepernick felt the need to protest police brutality.  During the National Anthem, he sat rather than stand, in objection to being a “team player” in a team sport.


Other weak-minded playmates sat in the coming weeks, and that sitting eventually became kneeling during the National Anthem in many sports.  News agencies and sports reporting applauded this effort to spotlight the plight of – well, we’re not quite sure.


Kaepernick is the product of a white mother and a father of color who gave him up for adoption as a small child.  A two-parent white couple adopted him and apparently gave him a good life.  He attended college where he played football, providing him the springboard to his NFL career.


Reading varying accounts of his life, Kaepernick’s biography is sufficiently vague when it comes to whether he was subject to police brutality, himself, or is just mentally deficient in search of national attention.


On July 4th, 2020, Kaepernick, in a Tweet, said he rejected the 4th of July, as it is racist, of course. He claims slavery and lynching bother him and resulted in his posting of a video saying as much.  Always the uniter, Kaepernick refuses to be “terrorized by America” and rejects “celebration of white supremacy.”  Good work, you systemic racists Mom and Dad!


He now wants another job as a quarterback in the NFL, to sit or kneel for more pre-game drama I’m guessing.  Yeah!


In any case, school children, professional athletes, and even non-athletes began to kneel out of protest against police brutality, or cow flatulence, or black lives.


During the recent women’s soccer championship, a lesbian player felt it necessary to kneel to protest something bothering her, too.


This form of rebellion has become fashionable among the masses because the target of their ire is invisible and indefinable.  Unfortunately the recipients are the fans whose noses are being rubbed in it, much like a misbehaving Cocker Spaniel.


We’ll never quite get to the finish line to declare, “Mission accomplished!”  They will only continue to poke the patriotic among us until they are summarily fired for disrespecting paying patrons of their respective sports.


I dare say Americans are tired of riots, looting, awareness, permitting bad behavior, whining about flags, complaining about the National Anthem and malcontents in general.  I suggest true Americans boycott all these losers and take your self pride back before it’s too late.