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Monday, September 2, 2019

Get a Real Job

Eras are important periods of time, often noted in history, and later referred to for ways to replicate or avoid meaningful actions associated therewith.

Today, America is fixated on an era in its past – over 150-years ago – in an attempt to vie for “biggest victim status.”

Readying for the 2020 presidential election, Democratic candidates have been jostling one another to prove they were more disadvantaged, had the longest daily school bus rides, can evoke more disdain about keeping criminals out of our sovereign country, and who can give away the bestest medical care to non-citizens.

All the while, these phonies cry the once-feared word of any societal individual – especially business executives and politicians – the “R” word.

In case you don’t know it, that special word which has traditionally been known as a trump card is “racist.”

Trump cards are used in card games such as pinochle and are instant winners when played against any other card in the game.  They are usually held until the end of the hand to ensure an easy win for the player using them.

Tossing out the word racist is that trump card and, oddly enough, is being used against Trump, President Trump, that is.

He has been falsely accused of forgetting blacks, Latinos, and anyone else associated with a victim class, because he’s white, and they’re not.  It’s that simple.

To win most arguments, call someone a racist and the game is over.  And the alleged racist loses just because of the accusation.

America officially began in the 1770’s, and immediately became an agrarian society.  More crops, the more money, the more people that could be fed, was the simple equation.

Unfortunately, there weren’t enough people to use and plows, horse-drawn tillers, and reaping tools.  The at-that-time solution was to use slaves to help with the work.

Brought across the Atlantic Ocean, some of those slaves were treated poorly; some were considered family members by their “owners.”

Eventually, the Civil War was fought, culminating in the freeing of all slaves.  It was a bloody battle with sons killing brothers, fathers killing sons, and everyone killing a relatively young nation through the division of violence.

One hundred-fifty plus years later though, the easily offended among us are now digging up America’s “original sin” of slavery with no end in sight.

Suddenly, everyone white is a racist.  No one of the Caucasian race is allowed to criticize someone of “color” unless they want the racist title stapled onto their foreheads.

This unseemly use of the trump card is quickly moving from life/career ending to nonsensical/humorous.

A typical response is, “You are a RACIST!” when debating whether someone should like corn flakes rather than cocoa puff cereal.  The logic is that cocoa puffs are a cereal-of-color.

Not to be outdone, professional athletes – those are the folks who make more money in one month than you’ll make in a lifetime – are now complaining about their racist bosses.

Following the lead of that has-been, malcontent quarterback of some years ago, pro-basketball players are now taking their turn at the wheel of racial sensitivity.

Grossly underpaid and easily offended athletes

It seems as though the National Basketball Association (NBA), whose most players likely cannot even spell the name out, are now feeling offended.

They claim they would feel better if the people who owned their teams, typically called “owners,” changed their titles to “governors.”

Apparently, $6,000,000, a year to bounce a ball is not recompense enough.  Their feelings would be better massaged by calling the people who sign their paychecks, governors.

Harkening back to the times of slave owners, the moniker of “owner” frightens and makes otherwise non-judgmental NBA players uneasy.  It doesn’t matter that most pro-athletes are street thugs, anyway.

One complaint was that white folks will never know what it’s like to be black and oppressed.  And they’re right.

But adding the letters KKK, when players are describing their bosses, is just plain opportunistic and vile.

It’s time to hire new players who have an ardent desire to make an oscene fortune playing game.

I’m just saying.