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Monday, September 30, 2019

Enough of the Lies, Part 2

Immediately following most mass shootings politicians and self-important types line up for camera time.  I call them media whores.

They can, and do, offer nothing more than you and I can, although they do it wearing expensive suits and a grimace.

They like to pretend they have answers to any and all questions concerning psychology, psychiatry, firearms, and the law.  They don’t.  That’s why they work for the government.

Most “experts” are has-beens and simply feed their narcissistic cravings by sidling up to the nearest television camera to sate their ego’s cravings.

They like to scowl and point out that common sense law or restriction that would have prevented whatever crisis about which they are pontificating.  And for this story, it is gun control.

Notice how I used the words “gun control,” not crime control.  That is important.

Gun control is the expressway to slavery and total government control.  If you’re saying to yourself, “Uncle Paul, that’s plain stupid,” take a look at how Russia, Venezuela, Cambodia, Zimbabwe, China, Cuba, North Korea, Laos, and Vietnam, to name just a few.

Those countries are not free, and their people discovered they are no longer citizens, rather they are now subjects.  In case you don’t know, the inabilities of common citizens to fight back against crime and government corruption are the main reasons for illegal immigration through the United States’ southern border.

Socialist subjects work for the state and have no ways to define the working class, as everyone is the same.  Janitors make as much as doctors, waitresses make as much as engineers.  The only ones excelling are the government rulers, inasmuch as they pilfer their way to the financial apex via graft and corruption

There is no way to rebel and take back their previous lives because they willingly gave up their guns in the name of safety.  That is why news stories about riots in those countries often include the populace throwing rocks and bottles.  Sharp sticks, too.

AR-15 substitute, if the Democrats have their druthers

In any case, politicians everywhere feel they are smarter than those common folk, not in political positions.  They ardently desire to keep those special benefits they have learned to love, and the only way to do so is to keep you out of the public arena.  Witness Donald Trump’s reign.

Because America’s Founding Fathers made gun confiscation intentionally difficult, politicians have been sticking their toes in the firearms swimming pool, for years.

To make their desires of a socialist/communist conversion of the United States, they first need to take your guns.  It would be less dangerous for these do-gooders if they could get you to actually give them up, willingly.

Hence the sudden talk about “universal background checks” and now something they like to call “red flag laws.”

We examined background checks last time; today we’ll take a look at red flag laws and its mechanics.

Let’s say your neighbor dislikes you, your dog, your truck, your wife, your politics, or your color, he can call the local authorities and claim you are a danger, and that you own guns.

The police, under red flag laws, must go to your home and confiscate your guns because your neighbor is grinding that ax.  Recall that after the 9/11/2001, a Muslim terrorist attack on America, the federal government was prompted to “do something.”  They did.

They created the “No Fly List.”  This seemingly innocuous list formed a vehicle to identify people who were reported to the feds to be possible terrorists; this was to be an aid to prevent these possible miscreants on airlines, thereby preventing jet liners from crashing into skyscrapers, again.

Saint Bernard of Clairvaux said, “The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.”  Although this was offered in 1150 A.D., it applies to that Transportation Security Administration List created 850-years later.

It seems as though many non-terrorist types were listed therein, to include Senator Edward Kennedy, singer Cat Stevens, and Representative John Lewis.  There is little anyone can do to remove their names from that list.  I’m pretty certain the same will happen if your name winds-up on a red flag list.

“But we must do something!” is the usual plea from the non-thinkers.  Anything seems better than nothing, but with laser-like focus The Leftists steer their ideas toward undermining the Second Amendment.

Their solution is always to punish law-abiding citizens.  Normally, the law-abiders do not fight back or rebel; most people who own guns like to fly under the radar to avoid harassment and controversy. 

Gun owners do not want to shoot anything more than game or targets.  Unfortunately, that makes the ‘low-hanging fruit’ that Leftists can easily pick from the tree of freedom, more desirable.

Things that do not immediately hurt are more palatable to the offendees, like the proverbial frog in the pot of water.

Make no mistake, they may not want your guns, but they certainly want to take away your ability to fight back when a fundamental change to America arrives.  That sharp stick will suddenly look pretty dangerous.

Most of the shootings – mass or otherwise – are done by people with mental issues.  They are exempt from disclosing that information when they buy their guns “legally,” by lying on their background application about their mental abilities.

The well-intentioned HIPAA laws, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, deem medical and mental maladies, private, protected by HIPAA.  Neat, ain’t it?

I’m willing to wager that the modification of this Congressionally-created loophole would prevent at least some future shootings.  Enforcement of the violation of this law – one of the 23,000 gun laws on-the-books – should also be imposed; leave the lawful gun owner alone.

In 2018, Wisconsin had 800,000 armed citizens in its woods, hunting.  Not one citizen was shot by another.  It would appear as though this issue may not be “the gun,” rather the person holding it.

It’s time to put those abilities to work and stand up to those evil politicians, and weak-minded activists, who mean well, but remain ignorant of the facts.

Educate your self and tell the truth.