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Monday, December 31, 2018

Blind Belief

Our celebration of the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ, is barely over for this year.  People are now focused on a personal grand New Year’s Eve festival after all the negativity spewed by the buttinskis. 

Buttinskis are those people without lives of their own.  As such, they become involved in yours to fill that void left by all their hatred, betwixt and between their egotistical superiority.

Allow me to explain.

For several months we have heard their relentless cries about “freedom FROM religion,” Christian’s faith of an unseen God, and our simple-minded disbelief in a “science-proven” debacle called “Climate Change.”

The buttinskis claim we are stupid because renowned scientists and recently-graduated college pukes say our planet is quickly going to burn up because of “global warming,” or freeze solid because of “global cooling,” also known as climate change.

The bottom line is that they are certain that something is happening, it is the fault of humans, and we can fix it with lots of money.

Don’t you feel stupid now?  Just a few thousand dollars more in tax money would cure all our problems, although I’m not sure how.

In any case, we Christians are the ignorant ones because we believe that a baby was born to the Blessed Virgin Mary.  This was the beginning of Christianity.  Amen.

But they wonder how Christians can blindly believe in the Son Man, God, a virgin birth, and countless trials and tribulations, all documented in the Holy Bible.

Oddly enough, those same buttinskis blindly believe in something human beings have been documenting for ages called “weather.”  The difference is that when it gets hot, they call it global warming, with icebergs melting thereby causing global flooding; when it is really cold, they term that as global cooling – a weather system that freezes water, creating ice and killing pesky summer bugs.  When the weather is nice, it is referred to as an aberration.

Of course their blind belief is sensible because numerous scientists deemed their cause, genuine.

On the other hand, our belief is abnormal, although religious scholars and archeologists can point to Christianity being authentic with hard evidence.  Alas.

To prove you are not only a Christian nut job, buttinskis quickly point to Earth-saving techniques that require little, if any, sacrifice.  Sacrifice such as recycling is simple and easy.

It seems as though this year’s gift wrapping paper – the stuff that covered the Christmas, Chanukah, or Kwanzaa, gifts – should have been recyclable.  Yep, December 25th is the day those buttinskis began chastising anew for the upcoming year of unyielding badgering.

Early Christian Uber
So it is with this in mind that my New Year’s resolution for 2019 is that I’m going to absolutely ignore their whining about anything and everything not ecological-based.

Perhaps we will get lucky and those melting icebergs will create floodwaters to carry the buttinskis into oblivion.  Keep your fingers crossed.  And Happy New Year!