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Monday, October 29, 2018

Important Dinner

Many, many years ago, when I was in college, a bunch of us would occasionally spend time in the cafeteria attempting to be philosophical.

This is where I must mention that I am old – old enough to remember when Michael Jackson was a black man.

Our little group usually became extra thoughtful after imbibing in legal alcohol, and possibly illegal pharmaceuticals.

Those conversations would vary from what the best car was, to who was the greatest band.  Names such as Camaro and Led Zeppelin arose often, usually punctuated by a round of thumbs-up.

One of these important round-table gatherings posed the question: Who would you most like to have dinner with?

I clearly recall a couple of baffled looks, and I’m certain I actually witnessed smoke arising from at least one participant’s searching mind.

I can’t remember what the others said in response to this query, but I definitely said Jesus.  Jesus was quite a historic figure upon which the Bible is based and has been worshipped for millennia.

I have lots of questions and accolades I would love to present to Him.  It would appear as though I must bide my time until I reach Heaven’s Gate to proceed with any further contact outside of praying.

Since my graduation many fantastic occurrences have materialized.  Cell phones, artificial medical organs, HDTV, and the bankruptcy of Sears Roebuck, are just a few things that have improved life.

In fact, almost daily, I find myself amazed about where we are in the current era of mankind.  Road networks, internet infrastructure, safe food, potable water, along with improved medicines, keep me in awe.

One additional person, although well after my college years that would fit my dinner guest list, is President Ronald Reagan.  I was pleasantly surprised by his political prowess, business sense, and rapier-like wit, throughout his eight-years in office.

Once again, as with Jesus, I would ask for stories and comments and thoughts on today’s society, and the state of the world as a whole.
Stops annoying ads

So it was with interest that while I watching television the other day, that is saw a commercial from some insurance company featuring a stupid talking box.

Almost immediately thereafter ran another inane commercial from a different insurance company featuring some unfunny character named “Flo.”

Although I’m not, nor have I even been, associated with advertising or Madison Avenue, I can tell you that both those companies would do well to save their advertising budget and buy adult beverages instead.

It didn’t take me long to find the “mute” button on my TV remote.

And so it goes as I callus my thumb to hush both Flo and the goofy talking box.

Once again I feel as though I must update my dinner list.  This time I’d like to incorporate the CEOs of these corporations, although I have only two questions for each of these executives.

“Do you really think your television commercials are entertaining?”

“Where are you going to look for a new job?”

I’m just saying…