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Monday, November 14, 2016


After roughly two years of political haggling, America has a new president.  This person, very much like Barack Hussein Obama, just made history.

The country desperately wanted a clean start after nearly eight years of painful lying about Iran nuclear deals, paying ransom money to Iran, keeping your own doctors under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), giving 900+ hardened criminals pardons, avoided prosecutions of Wall Street executives, saving $2500 per family on the ACA, and lowering the unemployment rate, so it voted for someone for which they could be proud.

Loud voices chanted “Hillary” in the hopes of numbing the minds of undecided citizens with boloney about Hillary’s accomplishments.  Soon it was clear her biggest undertakings dwarfed those of President Obama.

She lied about Benghazi, Libya, about erasing her computer hard drive, sending classified e-mails, using her political position as Secretary of State to further exercising her methods of extortion for the Clinton Foundation, and perhaps that she even lives as a white woman.

America felt it was time to elect a non-political person to keep the United States of America free.  As such, it elected Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is a non-political person but, he appears to have tremendous business savvy.  He has been buying real estate, and developing it, for years, successfully.

He identified numerous problems with the country to include illegal aliens sucking the financial blood from the working class, liberals spending money like a drunken sailor (my apologies to drunken sailors,) freebies for everyone and anyone, draconian ACA plans with severe financial penalties, and lack of jobs.

Many people liked what he said.  Others, however, did not.

As a result, we have some breaking news.  Select airports across North America are likely slammed with actors, actresses, and supposed musical artists, leaving the country.

The likes of Barbra Streisand, Cher, Katy Perry, Amy Schumer, Alec Baldwin, and Jon Stewart, are probably packing as I write.  Chelsea Handler, Neve Campbell, Lena Dunham, Keegan-Michael Key, Al Sharpton, Natasha Lyonne, Eddie Griffin, Spike Lee, Amber Rose, Samuel L. Jackson, and George Lopez, expressed an interest to head out of the country for their own safety, too.
Not Samuel L. Jackson

Let’s not forget Raven Symoné, Whoopie Goldberg, Miley Cyrus, and Ruth Bader Ginsberg, who also feel they are more astute and intelligent to select the leader of the United States.  Forget all those hard-working folks who actually get their hands dirty for a living, along with people who drive old cars and live in mobile homes.

So I see this new presidential opportunity as a win-win situation.  We get new blood with new ideas, while getting rid of the trash who look down their noses at the rest of us.

Please stay gone.