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Monday, February 2, 2015

Da Big Game

Today we find ourselves recovering from the “Big Game.”  I am not using the normal words for the annual match between the AFC and NFC champions rather, I am wisely using Big Game for a specific reason.
Is seems as though the Big Game police are charging for use of the registered words, er, you know what they are.  It is like trying to describe an orange without using the orange.
By the way, nothing in the English language rhymes with orange.  But, I digress.
The Big Game is the culmination of weeks upon weeks of grown men running up and down a field in tight britches grabbing other guys.  They try to move an oddly-shaped ball around and score more points than the other team.
They dilly dally or lollygag – is there a difference? - for nearly four quarters of fifteen minutes each.  Then, when they are near the end of the game, they are magically rejuvenated and quickly play ball as if their lives depended upon it.
These football players complain about everything from their poultry salaries of several million dollars to being hit and later suffering from their injuries.  Some dislike the idea they must speak with the media to produce stories for their moronic fans that actually pay money to watch these whiners.
It seems the money should be large and the fan base small, according to these geniuses.
In any case, Big Game day is usually celebrated by nearly everyone who likes to eat and drink.  Beer and snack companies deluge the circulars and supermarkets for weeks prior to this event, each hawking their goods to die-hard football fans.
Nachos, dips, potato chips, brats, and a compendium of various beverage companies all vie to cater to the discerning appetites of Big Game fans and other wannabe fans.
But during the Big Game many other products are advertised to the inebriated masses tuned in to see the nearly endless commercials and the usually-less-than-spectacular half-time show. 
In fact, many, many people tune in just to see the commercials.  And that is good news for the advertisers inasmuch as they are paying $4,500,000, for a 30 second spot this year.
Speaking of this year, the performer is someone named Katy Perry, I think.
People on the news were agog over her selection as this years’ big performer.  Evidently Ms. Perry is popular.  Somewhere along her career path she became pretty popular for showing her cleavage, and a lot of it.  Catching a glimpse of her attributes is the only reason I tuned in, only to find she had a modest moment for this exhibition.  Just my luck.
Still, the game goes on with the drunken debauchery of Big Game Sunday with copious amounts of alcoholic beverages flowing, wagering happening, and food being consumed.  All that leads to a week of recovery.  Welcome.