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Monday, September 29, 2014

Twenty Dollars Plus

It was an epiphany.  Just last evening I was trying to watch some inane television – using this medium as a sleep aid.  The hour was not too late but, that day was chock full of excitement that needed quelling.

Religiously, after exactly five minutes and 30 seconds, up popped a series of ads that gave me a deep look into my shallow existence.

Somehow, my life took a turn away from things critical to my survival and toward austerity.  This had to stop immediately.

First up was an advertisement for some sort of knee brace that instantly eliminated back and leg pain.  I was told the brace was absolutely necessary to help my sedentary life turn into one of dancing and field-goal kicking.  The New York Giants should get a couple of these for their special teams players.  But, I digress.

They were available for the modest sum of $20, plus shipping and handling.  But wait!  For only the cost of shipping and handling, I could get a second brace.  Shipping and handling amounted to eight bucks, each.  So, for $36, I could get a knee brace for each knee, rather than limping because I only had one.

Then we slid into an ad for an electric callous trimmer.  Evidently there is some crisis in the fashion world that dictates women have callous-free tootsies.  Women’s feet are shown with elephant-like skin being magically transformed into baby-bottom soft appendages.  The secret is the 2500 RPM motor that spins the cutting disk.

These products have been around for years and could be found in the kitchen gadget department as a cheese grater.  These, too could be bought for another twenty plus eight dollars.

Not being done with all the hype, I was introduced to a spice organizer shelf system.  Oddly enough, just last week, I was saying, to Smokey the cat, “I wish I had a spice organizer shelf system.  I wonder why nobody makes one.”

Evidently they do.  Smokey and I were glued to the TV to get the details.  It seems as though these shelves are made from durable polystyrene that resist rust, and support barbells.  This is great because I was also thinking of storing my barbells in my spice cabinet.  All this for only the amazing amount of $20, plus shipping and handling.  Smokey had his checkbook handy.

But wait, there’s more!

Back to programming but, in another 5 ½ minutes, I was treated to more sales pitches.  After all these years, I failed to realize I needed an organically green frying pan.  This pan was guaranteed to prevent anything from sticking to it.

That was all well and good, but how did they get the organic coating stick to the pan?  That was perplexing.

This $20 frying pan seemed like the ticket to trouble-free cooking for years to come, providing there were no questions asked.

In this world of television hawking, I came across fixes for nearly everything, and some things I didn’t realize needed fixes.

Brownie pans that cut brownies while they’re baking, special pans to create taco shell bowls, devices that prepare the perfect hard-boiled egg, and special cloths that were reverse-engineered from debris found at the Roswell crash site, guaranteed to soak up the Pacific ocean in seconds.

This was a clear bonanza of must-haves and helped me create my Christmas shopping list for this year.

America is such a great place.