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Monday, September 1, 2014

Random Thoughts II

Do those pokey left-lane drivers realize the “Slower traffic keep left,” signs means them?
Why is Brett Favre’s name not spelled F-A-R-V-E, the way he pronounces it?
When did the Dallas Cowboys become “America’s Team?”
There were no police shootings of blacks in Ferguson, Missouri, yesterday.
There were 11 shootings of blacks by blacks in Chicago last week.  No riots or demonstrations occurred.
Where is all the puffed rice on The Eastern Shore?
It should be illegal to sell stereo speakers in odd numbers.
Why don’t guys who mow lawns for a living own calendars?
Does anyone grow tomatoes in Accomack County?  I can only find ones grown in China.
Speaking of China, why does our fish come from there?  We live on a peninsula, for Gods’ sake!
Crabs should not cost $90 per bushel.
FYI, I leave the toilet seat up in case Hillary Clinton stops by.
I’ll wager that Michael Bloomberg is a stupid as he sounds.
Why does the Fiat 500E cost $22,000?  It’s only worth $7,000.
Does President Barack Hussein Obama still have a golf handicap?  If so, he should quit.
Whatever happened to Steely Dan?
I applaud Dan Snyder for keeping the Washington Redskins’ name intact.
Hardee’s makes the best burgers.  Five Guys are second.
Eric Holder sounds like a first-class douchebag.  But, I mean that in the nicest sense.
What I listened to as ‘rock and roll’ are now ‘oldies.’
Why do the stupidest people think they are smart?
Is everyone happy that the LA Clippers have a new owner?
The U.S. Navy is spineless to knuckle under to an offended atheist group and remove bibles from base hotels.  How will they be able to fight foreign enemies if they can’t handle these whiners?
People in Wales are pressing for a waiting period for knives.  Evidently they are the weapons-of-choice in lieu of outlawed guns.  Who would have guessed that?
Why is everyone suddenly on SSI?
Is the ebola virus contagious or not?  Please make up your mind and give us an honest answer.
I wish RoboCop was real.
Come back for more words of wisdom next week.