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Monday, June 1, 2020

A Rose

It is the beginning of June 2020, and the United States inhabitants have lost their collective minds.

It seems as though the corona virus/COVID-19 has been spreading throughout the world – originating in Wuhan, China, in December 2019.

Over the past several weeks, the liberal press has been hammering President Donald Trump because he called COVID-19 the “Chinese Flu.”  It is.  Sorry. It is also the Wuhan Flu.  Get over it.

Keep in mind, William Shakespeare famously wrote, “A rose by any other name is still a rose.”  But I digress.

Nancy Pelosi look-alike

Since late 2019 the Democratically-controlled Congress has been fixated on impeaching President Donald J. Trump, to no avail.  After 3 ½ years, it was learned that his attackers had misrepresented the truth and facts that led to this nation-destroying exercise.

It didn’t matter that in January 2020, the COVID-19 epidemic was in full swing and spreading like a wildfire across the globe.  President Trump needed to be taught a sound lesson that he should leave the proverbial Swamp in Washington, D.C., alone.

He quit playing this stupid and dangerous game some two years ago, only irritating congressional has-beens and never weres, such as Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, Jerrold Nadler, and Nancy Pelosi.  If you didn’t know what an apoplectic fit was, it became abundantly visible when their impeachment efforts failed.

But by that time, COVID-19 had already spread dangerously close to American allied nations, and teetered on the cusp of entering America itself.

President Trump’s pleas to stop travelers from China and other select parts of Asia were met with charges of racism and xenophobia, all fabrications to further muddy the name and reputation of a professional businessman, as opposed to a professional politician like most of the Congress and Senate.

But by the time this possibly deadly affliction reached our shores, the obstructionist Democrats began shouting President Trump was not doing enough.  It is at this time you should re-read the previous paragraph to see where the blame needs to be placed.

Fast forward to the beginning of April – and a time when there are 140,000 cases of COVID-19 identified.  At this same time, there are about 3,000 deaths from this virus, with most of those being elderly and/or already sickly.

People immediately panicked because the disingenuous mainstream media began promoting the rapidly dwindling supplies of toilet paper, paper towels, and bottled water.  All this is a mystery to me and many others who are apparently hoarding these products for some unknown reason.

In any case, 106,000 American deaths represent a genuine tragedy, more so because the killer is invisible and mostly undetectable until it is too late realize a person is a carrier or infected.

Most people have begun to fear contraction of COVID-19, and the possible associated illness and death – neither of which is a given.  Yet the masses remain hysterical about needlessly dying from something seemingly innocuous as an invisible airborne virus.

So in an exercise of comparison, I checked the internet for another crisis of monumental proportions, this one, however, appears to be less dire.

Although there are countless Americans who are literally scared to death about contracting this corona virus very few are concerned over the 876,000 abortions performed in 2018 in the United States.  That means there were 876,000 deaths in our country that could have been prevented, too.

In any case, the fake news items and overdramatic, whiney reports do our nation and its survival no good.  And placing blame where there is no blame to be placed creates havoc where none should exist.

Bottom line:  Not one of the previous 44 American presidents foresaw this, or any other biological pandemic on the horizon so, to trying to pin this disaster on President Trump goes way beyond smarmy, closely approaching sycophantic.

But then that’s why Donald J. Trump was elected President in the first place, and will be re-elected in November.