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Monday, February 17, 2020

As Seen On TV

It’s been more than ten-years since I retired.  And during that time I have completed many, many tasks.

House painting, building, mowing, raking, reupholstering, traveling, returning to school, bonsai trimming, auto maintenance, and cleaning cat throw-up, are just a few of the everyday jobs occupying my precious time.

In fact, I’ve practically run out of demanding activities to the point where I can finally go fishing.

But in the meantime, I have gravitated to the television to occupy my time during my newly realized down times.

I’m the type of guy who takes things pretty literally; if a product advertises a lifetime warranty, by golly I’ll test that theory as if it is a dare.

Wrist watches that claim to be “waterproof,” may be.  If you weren’t sure about the previous paragraph, I’m the fellow who will test the waterproofness.

While opening the watch packaging, I multitasked by concurrently filling the kitchen sink with water.  Immediately upon removal from the packaging, the watch is then dropped into the awaiting water.

If it is still ticking, we have a winner.  If not, it is returned to capitalize on that applicable warranty.

One morning a few months ago I stumbled upon a commercial for a copper-colored frying pan.  It was advertised as the ultimate in frying experiences, largely because of its non-stick qualities.

It seems as though this frying pan was designed and developed with me in mind.  Proudly advertised as indestructible and only $19.95, plus shipping and handling, I read this as a personal challenge.

With its shimmering copper-metallic finish, this culinary tool was calling out to me through my 55” HDTV.  I heard, “Buy me!  Buy me!” with what sounded like a seraphim choir in the background.

And so buy it, I did.

Often overlooked cooking tool

When it arrived two weeks later, after carefully unwrapping it in order to save the original packaging, I immediately tossed it onto the range.  While the stove was heating up I located some gooey candy, marshmallows, pea gravel, butter, orange juice, vodka martini on-the-rocks, and a fire extinguisher.

With the above ingredients loaded in the new pan, it wasn’t long before I had a “three-fer” on my hands.  Of course the martini and fire extinguisher were for my personal entertainment and benefit, respectively.

As the new pan was being tested, the range hood passed its test by healthily blowing the billowing smoke from the kitchen as the smoke detector functioned as it should.  But I digress.

Shortly after the volunteer fire department left, my sainted wife returned home from getting her nails “done.”  Her enthusiasm and delight clearly left her speechless.  But only for a moment.

Even though she didn’t say so, I could tell she admired my adventurism and gift of curiosity.  Eventually, she stopped yelling, and all was well, again.

Here’s some good news, though.  We returned the pan for a replacement.  And in the meantime, I discovered a sealing product that will glue boats together.

Since Clyde, my neighbor, is out of town for a while, I figure I’ll surprise him with his newly-sealed row boat when he returns.

Life doesn’t get better than this.