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Monday, October 21, 2019

Pumpkin Loophole

It’s been over ten-years since began, and after all those years we are still proudly providing weekly stories that are gluten-free.

Which leads me to today’s story.

Halloween is quickly approaching; we know not because of any calendar, but because Christmas decorations are springing up in all the major retailers’ stores.

Everything is coming up pumpkin, too.

You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting pumpkin beer, pumpkin latte, pumpkin bathroom spray, pumpkin automobile air fresheners, pumpkin cookies, and even pumpkin pie filling.

Most politicians are lawyers, and not very good lawyers.  That being said, how competent do you think they are to serve as a governmental representative for you?

If you’re reading this stoned, now is not the time to get ahead of me.

Every year for Halloween I buy a pumpkin out of which I fashion a Jack-o’-Lantern that usually resembles a train wreck victim, not by choice.

While I possess many skills, carving wood, soap, stone, or pumpkins, is not one of them.

Pretty regularly I receive comments from trick-or-treater’s parents shaming me for leaving hideous gourds out for small, impressionable children to see.  A few others thank me for creating pumpkin parodies; of course, they were not intended as such.  Alas.

In any case, I went to buy my blank pumpkin canvass for this year’s messterpeice.  I carefully studied each of the 271 pumpkins for the idea size, shape, and weight.

I could envision something spectacular – along the lines of the statue of David.  Unfortunately, I was unable to find a pumpkin that large.

So it was a scary face with squinty eyes and large teeth, but nothing several glasses of fermented beverages couldn’t readjust your eyes to enhance its intended beauty.  But I digress.

It was the quest for that prefect gourd that made me think of those greedy politicians.

More often than not, that hand in my pocket belongs to a local, state, or federal politician, searching around for my money to fund their new project that will benefit everyone except me.

The pregnant pumpkin store cashier asked me if I was going to eat this pumpkin or carve it.

Example of my Nancy Pelosi masterpeice
I immediately thought word had gotten out about my poor knife skills, and perhaps the community-at-large was attempting to institute a “Save the Pumpkins” program.

No, this nosy cashier needed this information in order to determine if tax needed to be collected.

After my head stopped spinning atop my neck, I asked her about this new-to-me overstepping of the government.

I was truly surprised that the store had to collect sales tax if this innocent produce item was used for anything other than food; that “anything” included carving.

It seems as though those thoughtful politicians, who often carp about loopholes in the law, luckily found a way to summarily plug these 8¢ from skating past the local coffers.

This suddenly makes the self-checkout line more attractive to me.

But now we know how these slimy politicians keep getting elected and re-elected to introduce their brilliant plans to extract more money from their constituents. It must be the gluten.