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Monday, October 14, 2019

Mission Accomplished

Democratic Party playbook

Way back in 1949, George Orwell wrote a novel “1984.”  It described life in a future dictatorship where mere words were bastardized into twisted slogans.

“War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength,” was a memorable one that likely went over the heads-of-mush reading it in high school.

When I read it in 1969, it was time-wasting nonsense.  Fast forward fifty-years to 2019, and it is clear this novel has been turned into a user manual for political society.

Presidential candidates, who are not only narcissistic, but also deluded by their mental abilities, have been touring the country in an attempt to connect with potential voters.  And part of that connection effort includes opening their mouths.

The bad part for them is some Americans own calculators and some own recording devices.

Regularly spouting off are candidates such as Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, and Elizabeth Warren, all of whom have been in political office of one form or another for years; in Senator Biden’s, Senator Warren’s, and Senator Sanders’ cases, they have been riding the guvment gravy train for decades.

Throughout those 40-years, or so, the Four Horses Butts of the Apocalypse have had the opportunity to enact or veto many, many bills affecting all of America.  They didn’t.

Senator Sanders served as the Chair of the Armed Forces Services Committee – the Committee that oversees the Veteran’s Administration.  He didn’t handle that issue when he was in a prime position to do so, alas.  Now he wants to be elected President so that he is able to effect change.  I’d say it’s too little, too late.  Forty years too late.

Senator Warren has been on the election trail complaining about big banks taking money from their borrowers and taxpayers, alike.  She claims it’s unfair to target people who are unable to afford a house, over an apartment, just because they can’t repay mortgage loans or taxes, or both.  Her solution to rectify this injustice is to make other tax payers buy homes for the deadbeats, and give them a $1000 per month stipend.  Brilliant.

Then there is Senator Biden who also feels he knows what American voters want: lame lies that are converted into stories by him.  He can’t remember when he served as Vice President, how he told people to illegally use firearms, and that he was a ‘touchy-feely’ kind of guy, hence the reason he can’t keep his hands off of constituents.

Now “Lunchbox Joe” is trying to keep from drowning in graft and corruption accusations being levied against both he and his son.  Unfortunately, neither can agree on an alibi.

Lastly, Senator Harris, who served as a state attorney general, prosecuted drug cases with aplomb, exercising little restraint or mercy.  Unfortunately, she was caught on videotape bragging about how she, too, broke controlled substance laws herself; in an effort to appear more hip than the wooden spoon she’s impersonating, she giggled while lying about the time-frame involved.  Oh, my.

But on a positive note, all four of these self-centered phonies want to really rub everyone’s noses in the guvment poop on the carpet, including yours.

They feel illegal aliens – criminals who are trespassing on America’s sovereign soil – deserve some bonus for simply breaking our laws.  These miscreants would be eligible to receive free health insurance.

That’s the same free health insurance President Obama forced you to buy at premium prices, with attached astronomical deductibles.   Free to the criminals, though!

Not to be outdone, the Four Horses Butts of the Apocalypse promise to guarantee free college educations to not only illegal aliens, but also they will forgive any and all debt for the kids who would like to attend institutions of higher education.

As a bonus, all of this brain trust would sell their souls – if they had one – to confiscate your Constitutionally protected firearms.  They may be lawyers, but not good ones.

This is terrific news.  But the terrific news only applies to the unstructured, unlawful, and uncaring, which enjoy taking, taking, and taking.

In pre-school, American kids were given free lunches, out of compassion.  In kindergarten, they got free cookies and milk.  In elementary school, they got free breakfast, lunch, and afterschool snacks.  They went to high school and received free lunches, free extracurricular activities and team uniforms and instruments.

Now those kids and their families expect free college tuition, books, and accommodations.  And why not?  They have been trained to expect free stuff for nearly two decades.

George Orwell got it right.