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Monday, May 13, 2019

We Have Arrived

Hard work and hard study are just two parts of the formula for getting ahead.  Most people do not come from money.  They must rise and go to work daily, get along with the boss, and maintain civility with fellow employees, all while juggling a spouse, home, and kids.

That’s right; jobs are more than just going to work and erasing all personal problems from your mind.  Then, after work, seamless switching back from work mode to home life is expected.  An example would be asking about French fry accompaniments at the drive-thru window.


Unfortunately, today’s work force is chock full of training seminar buttinski’s who feel your attitude needs changing.  It doesn’t matter if you are a long-term, stellar employee who deserves – or have already earned – awards for exceptional service, you likely need emotional tweaking.

It seems odd that your boss closely watches the clock when you scoot off to the bathroom, but has nothing to say when you are mandated to attend stupid, time-wasting “training” seminars.

These training seminars would make Karl Marx and Bernie Sanders very proud.  They amount to nothing more than Orwellian mind games to make you a better person.  Sure.

Throughout my career I attended mandatory “training” for so many goofy things, such as racial sensitivity, gender sensitivity, ageism sensitivity, cultural appropriation awareness, and LGBQWERTY or something, training.

In today’s world, non-whites feel they are being discriminated from attending schools, or getting jobs, or playing for some sports team.  All this, according to race experts, is the fault of anyone other than the offendee; but I’m the one who needs awareness training to prevent this from occurring.

It doesn’t matter I grew up in segregated America when there were separate bathrooms, schools, and swimming pools for blacks and whites.  But it is now time to exact that proverbial pound of flesh.

Gender sensitivity is another good training seminar that helped me not to expect my female boss to make my coffee or press my shirts.  Thank goodness I was afforded this life-altering guidance.

Cultural appropriation is something relatively new.  This actually began in the 1950’s when some unknown singer named Elvis Presley began singing rhythm and blues.  Blacks are still complaining Mr. Presley, a white man, stole their music.  Tragic!

And the gay and lesbian and whatever other letters have climbed aboard the sensitivity train to legitimize themselves need addressing.  Not to be left out, this newly-protected class is a bit off-base.

They claim you cannot look at someone and discern their sexual orientation.  Yet, they demand “equal” rights for something they perceive as a slight.

While on the job, people should not be discussing their sexual proclivities or activities.  Just when and why do we need to protect this offended group, and from what?  That’s just confusing to me.

And now we are into the fashionable microagression thing.  An example of microagression is when you are offered to go to lunch for tacos, and you decline.  Clearly this is a slam against brown people, in general, and Mexicans, in particular.  I hope we can solve this one quickly. It’s all so simple.

And those college students who recently entered the workforce – the ones who were found under their desks when someone uttered the “R-word” – yes, Republican – are now complaining to their private and guvment sector jobs bosses.

All those progressive college and university safe spaces will no longer exist, unless their bosses are weenies just like their new charges.

I’m not sure when all this started or how often the average citizen chuckled when political correctness began bobbing around society like a turd in the punchbowl.

Charlton Heston said, "Political correctness is tyranny with manners.  He was right.