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Monday, May 8, 2017


A few trying years ago I wrote about protests occurring throughout the country in support of blatant lies concerning the Black Lives Matter movement.

Weak-minded individuals of all colors decided it was time to band together in an effort to garner support for so many perceived injustices, including an effort to obey laws.

We are now in an era when nearly everyone in America is easily offended or has some sort of gripe with the powers-that-be.  To right these half-baked claims, people of all ages, races, and sexes have made it a point to let the whole world know how they feel.

Be it about a fair election, land-grabbing government agencies, political greed, or simply creating a personal time-filler, child-like protesters are filling the streets and airwaves of America with their garbage.

It used to be the chants were somewhat recognizable with “Hey, hey, ho, ho, fill-in-the-blank has got to go.”  It mattered not if it was Richard Nixon, George Bush, some religious figure, or any protector of fetus’ lives, the message was the same.

Anyone with whom the protesters disagreed must be shouted down and invalidated.

This hot mess of a display of intolerance has become quite a joke with the protestees actually laughing and regaling at these easily offended whiners.  They are being ignored more and more.  And more and more, the protesters are becoming violent to make their nebulous points.

Acting as the spoiled children they are, they are now resorting to assault and battery on the pacifists.

During the 1960’s, blacks protested for many reasons, some of which were valid.  Some of those protests turned violent to the point where people were maimed and killed for no apparent reason other than to make a point during manufactured riots.

The genuine nonsense in all those riots was that to punctuate their points of anger by burning their own homes, stores, and businesses.

That sort of behavior made no sense then and makes no sense now.  You see, throwing cinder blocks through a bank window, torching police cars, and shouting down innocent speakers at various forums, are mindless and childish ways to make a point.

These modern protestors are playing clowns as they have now resorted to spraying mace into the faces of common citizens to get attention.

Depraved, is the best way to describe today’s privileged know-it-alls.  And, because they are so insignificant, they need to cause trouble to get that desired attention.

But fear not, they’ll go away if they are ignored.  I promise.