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Monday, February 29, 2016

Bravo Sierra

Last week I was desperately trying to communicate, via telephone, with someone just shy of being a
primate, with them horribly misspelling my name, even after having me spell it for them.

My first attempt resulted in something akin to a train hitting a deer.  Letters were read back to me everywhere and in no particular order.

Again I tried by speaking louder and slower, to no avail.

Suddenly, I remembered my NATO Phonetic Alphabet.  This was a sure-fire way to wade through the waters of stupid with no chance of error.

According to, the NATO Phonetic Alphabet (NPA) is officially known as the International Radiotelephony Spelling Alphabet.  This system is used to associate specific words to identify letters of the English alphabet so that critical combinations of letters can be pronounced and understood by those who transmit and receive messages by radio or telephone.

No chance for error in this premise.  This is where you’ve heard people say things like, “Uniform Sierra Alfa” for USA.  And yes, alfa is spelled correctly.

So I decided to implement the NPA to help expedite this goat rodeo.

Everything started off less than promising when the idiot to whom I was speaking began writing out the words for the letters.  Suddenly my name went from five letters to nearly 28.

I then tried to explain this exercise to the imbecile on the other end of the conversation.  “When I say ‘alfa,’ you write the letter ‘a’”.

“When I say ‘kilo,’ you write the letter ‘k’.  Got it?”

Their silence meant they were rolling their eyes at me and likely giving me the finger.  Nonetheless we were on our way to abbreviating this telephonic waterboarding.

The smell of success was in the air until I got to the “z” in my name.  This non-Mensa representative adlibbed by jumping ahead and inserting her own identifying word, “xylophone,” which was not even close.

“Zulu!” I shouted.

“What?  I thought you said ‘z’!” she retorted.

I did but, at this point it was akin to arguing with a cat.  She was no brighter after my call and she still had a job dealing with people who had little or no choice but deal with this embarrassment.  Her boss should be fired unless that person is even stupider than my point-of-contact.

In any case, there needs to be a thorough shake-up at the Social Security Administration.