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Monday, April 20, 2015

We Made It

This year is the 45th anniversary of that great secular celebration, Earth Day.  It was in the late 1960’s that Paul R. Ehrlich, renowned scientist, that brought much of this about.

Ehrlich, in case you missed it, wrote a well-received book about the population explosion on the planet.  He insisted the masses were responsible for the Earth’s ills and should be controlled (read: exterminated) to help the cause.

The simple elimination of only 2 billion people would certainly assist in saving our orb home.

As such, Ehrlich penned a paper about the climate of our surroundings and cited the production of greenhouse gases as the primary culprit in his theory on climate change.  Of course, these gases were the result of people.

His paper was alarmist in nature and only caught the attention of the media in the mid-1970’s, five years after the inaugural Earth Day.

Ehrlich’s paper, unbeknownst to the masses, was warning the world was cooling.  A great ice age was soon to descend on the Earth and freeze people to death.  In fact, the rest of the scientific community insisted it was warming.

Clearly someone was wrong.  Unfortunately, cash-flush politicians used American’s money to change our behavior and lecture us on how we should change our ways to save the planet.

But, who was right – the global coolers, or the global warmers?

Somewhere along those 44 years neither could be confirmed or denied as the truth-as-fact.  So, they were both declared correct by calling our contrived problem neither cooling nor warming.  It was a draw.

“Climate change” was to be the official moniker for spending countless dollars and increasing taxes to do so. 

Resurrect Al Gore.  Former Vice President Gore, appearing to need a tan and diet, has been making noise lately about climate change.  This is the same Al Gore that has been dutifully collecting carbon credits from businesses to offset their production of those nasty greenhouse gases, and putting that cash into the Al Gore suit pocket and private jet fund.

Oddly enough, President Barack Hussein Obama, amid terrorist attacks, internal corruption, involvement in overseas election scandals, starting new wars, new-found racial strife, and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, has just declared climate change as the top priority affecting our country.


In any case, for nearly half a century we have been listening to half-baked “climatologists” berate us common folk as being too stupid to understand the dire situation in which we are residing.  Still, they can’t agree on if we are approaching a warming or cooling period.

Nonetheless, we must take our medicine and bow neatly from the waist.  Gore recently announced climate change deniers should be punished because they don’t believe in “the cause.”

Meanwhile, we should be thankful we dodged a major bullet that Ehrlich predicted in 1968 that we would run out of food in the 1970’s and 1980’s, causing mass starvation.  I must have missed that crisis.