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Monday, April 21, 2014


All the rage these days is the ability for “scientific” sorts to look down their noses, and point and sneer at the peons.  They make lofty statements in the line of, “Use science to get the facts,” or “Deniers have no place in America.”

These pithy statements are meant to shame non-believers of the ‘cause du jour.’ Particularly these days, the cause is “global warming,” or “climate change,” whichever fits your agenda.

If the weather is too cold, the correct term is climate change; if the weather is too warm, it is global warming.  Pretty simple, actually.

Day after day we hear this same droll drumbeat about using science to quell the naysayers.  And often it works.

I, and countless others, smoked cigarettes and cigars, starting before the Surgeon General pointed out that smoking was bad for us.  Little did we know that the cigarettes issued in c-ration packages were going to kill us faster than a speeding bullet.  Or, that my smoking was worse for my sainted wife in the vein of ‘second-hand smoke,’ than me actually puffing my own coffin nail with my personal lips.  Go figure.

Nonetheless I tried to quit.  And, like Mark Twain said, “Quitting is easy; I’ve done it a thousand times.”

That quote infers how difficult it is to stop using those addictive sticks loaded with chemicals and tars and nicotine.

Along the way, people invented patches and chewing gum containing nicotine.  Even nicotine-laden pills were available to stop the smoker from lighting up.  All have their strong points and weak points.

The self-righteous bullies insisted smokers stand in another room or outside to get their fixes, or not even live in the same building as non-smokers like lepers.  The smoking Gestapo made it clear that science dictated smokers needed to die to make way for healthy Americans and keep health care costs down.

And then, someone invented the electronic cigarette, or e-cig.  The e-cig is a device that resembles a paper and tobacco cigarette, instead with a battery and a filter filled with water vapor and maybe some nicotine.

The user charges the battery and inhales – much like they would with a paper cig – and the resulting concoction is a water vapor/nicotine blend that is odorless.  The vapor tastes like a real cigarette but, with no ill effects or smell for the user or bystanders.

E-cigs helped me, and thousands of other smokers, quit this habit in short order with no withdrawal of Mark Twain do-overs.

Thank goodness for the smoking Gestapos, though.  It seems as though they have a new cause to take up.  They now fear that somehow, that water vapor is dangerous to them and others and wish to ban the use if e-cigs from anywhere outdoors.

That scientific stuff they worried about with the global warming and climate change crap doesn’t mean anything now because their “science” is flawed.

If those whiners want people to quit smoking, let them use e-cigs as a tried and true method, and keep their noses in their own business for a change.