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Monday, December 16, 2013

The “C-word”

Warning: For anyone so averse to a baby – Baby Jesus, to be exact – you may stop reading now.  Today’s story regards Christmas carols.
Christmas arrives each year and is celebrated world-wide by Christians who believe this the day Jesus was born.  Jesus is the Christian’s savior who gave His life for mankind.
To celebrate this sacred and joyous time of the year, people of all ages sing and listen to Christmas songs.  Not all Christmas songs are religious, though.
“Winter Wonderland,” is one of those secular tunes that pops-up during the Yule season which can be very confusing to those people who fear Baby Jesus.
It seems as though a whole cadre of do-gooders have devoted their lives to saving the stupider of the population from ear pollution and acquiring equally numbing fear of Jesus.
These do-gooders have been systematically removing any sense of Jesus, Christmas songs, and idea that this Christian holiday is a Christian holiday.
This, and a few other carols, has been giving these do-gooders fits because, it is not religious.  The word “Christmas” appears nowhere therein but gives these do-gooders fits because “Winter Wonderland” is a traditional Christmas song.
“Deck the Halls,” is another secular tune that irritates the secularists for much the same reason.
Somehow, somewhere Christmas became more offensive to the populace than the “N-word” trump card of words.
But, I love Christmas and Christmas songs.  I have been buying Christmas-related albums for years, with numbers approaching 200 albums and CDs.  Oddly enough, my ears haven’t caught on fire, and blood hasn’t leaked from my eyes since listening to these festive holiday songs.
The odd thing is that each one of these albums/CDs has pretty much the same songs on each…the varying factor is the performer and their style that makes these carols differ from one another.
Even songs like “Blue Christmas” are considered non-secular because of that all-offensive word, “Christmas.”
Too bad America is so easily offended and aurally injured by things Jesus.
Heck, Christmas and Jesus are so popular, even notable non-Christians like Neil Diamond, Kenny-G, and Barbra Streisand get on the bandwagon and help celebrate by producing television shows and Christmas music.  That’s a pretty powerful statement.
Until this epidemic is summarily dealt with by turning a deaf ear to those ninnies, Merry Christmas to all!