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Monday, August 14, 2023

The Wheel

 If I correctly recall, August is a traditionally hot, humid time of the year – at least here on The Eastern Shore. But it’s been a year since the last dose of this normally blistering month, filled with ripening corn and watermelons, as well as last-minute vacations to the beach. And this year is not much different from the other decades full of ever-changing weather requiring us to adapt to our surroundings.

However, this year is being loudly and falsely announced as the “HOTTEST SUMMER ON RECORD.”

Meteorologists, TV weather babes, news anchors, even the barista selling you that over-priced cup of syrup and unrefined sugar disguised as specialty coffee, have all been talking about this alleged surprise increase in heat which is affecting nearly every American, and most of the balance of the world.

Sure, it was hot last year, but it is actually 0.004% hotter this year!’ is the way these inane conversations continue. This is the segue to a thorough lecture, followed by a stern talking-to about the dire situation of planet Earth on the precipice of spontaneously combusting.

Also recalling my time spent as a child, I fail to remember not wanting to go outdoors to ride my bike, play baseball, or simply hop into our modest above-ground swimming pool. It was, after all, summer.

During much of the summer – including June, July, and August – are all known for various activities and free-time, but not necessarily for their downhill skiing and ice fishing activities. Because it’s hot.

In third grade we learned the Sun was closest to the Earth during the winter months; conversely, the Sun was furthest from the Earth during the summer months. I know it sounds confusing and counter intuitive. But the closer the Sun is to Earth, the shorter the amount of time the sunlight can affect the weather so, it is less hot.

To attempt to drum this scenario into our heads of mush, the nuns would break out a model of a globe and a flashlight to prove their point. Of course, no one did, though.

With longer days of light, the warmer the days become. And when days get warmer, people plant and grow gardens of fruits and vegetables which require light for plants to produce foliage and eventually crops.

As previously mentioned, other parts of life are also affected by light: temperature. The warmer the air is, the less our home furnaces need to be run to warm us. It is highly unlikely we will freeze to death inside our homes in the summer season. Those months are especially welcoming to inhabitants of colder climates where gas, oil, electric, and wood, are among the ways people keep their homes toasty warm during those frigid days and nights.

For nearly a hundred years, engineers and scientists and amateur inventors have been struggling to make electricity and associated energy less expensive – even free.

Through solar panels, which are roughly 80-years old; windmills, that were used by the ancient Egyptians; and hydro-electric power which was in use in the late 1800’s, our woes of finding a sustainable form of energy seemed like a closed case.

Unfortunately, successfully run hydro-electric facilities – normally constructed along river banks with the benefit of dams – were the kings of clean power for roughly a century. Using clean, fresh-flowing water, hydro-electric facilities produce no “carbon footprint” which so many environmentalists now see as a scourge.

Why, if hydro-electric power is ideally clean and sustainable, is deemedso dangerous to society and nature in its purest form?

It seems as though a new crop of environmentalists have been busy wasting pencil lead “connecting the dots” of horror created by an inexpensive, efficient, and safe electrical generation, to draw the conclusion that hydro-electric dams are causing fish great difficulty swimming upstream to spawn.

Those environmental do-gooders have been systematically feeding perceived tales of woe regarding swimming strengths of a variety of salmon and trout, and their ability to effectively mate due to the restraints of greedy human needs.

This speculation does not necessarily translate into the plight of whales, however.

The earlier mention of windmills/wind turbines has risen to the surface of another dilemma: sea mammals. You see, whales have long-been the subject of certain demise because of avid hunting by varying native tribes, as well as Japanese whalers, whose ability to find and kill these slow-moving ocean mammals, is truly amazing.

Moratoriums have been in place for decades in an earnest effort to save this close relative of man from near-certain extinction. And quite a success this effort was.

You see, whales are directly affected by wind turbines strategically placed in the oceans far away from picturesque places such as the Obama Estate, Winfrey Estate, Biden Estates, and other wealthy influencers, in order to generate our much-needed electricity.

Unfortunately, it seems as though those wind turbines are affecting the whales’ abilities to exist with the constant drone and associated noise that is amplified in the oceans. As such, it is suspected those same precious whales are committing suicide. No lie.

That is until those same environmentalists thought it absolutely brilliant to reach into time before Christ to resurrect windmills in order to meet the electricity needs of the planet.

This is as good a time as any to ask the question: Why the sudden need for more electricity on the Earth? I’m glad you asked.

As of late, cellular telephones, laptop computers, electric ranges, refrigerators, electric vehicles, dishwashers, along with an array of rechargeable appliances, have created a demand for more electricity to power and maintain our newly-developed lifestyles.

To better coerce the world’s inhabitants to comply with more electricity consumption, those same environmentalists have used sleazy behind-the-scene tactics to outlaw everything from “inefficient” light bulbs, to gas-powered vehicles, to natural gas stoves, non-electric furnaces, plus air conditioners.

Of course any sane individual reading this would imagine how inane these pressures to squeeze their dangerous agenda of ‘saving the planet’ – much as they did in an attempt to ‘save the whales ,’ - is suddenly proving chaotic, at best.

The endangered whales are being found in droves, beached upon sandy coastlines of America by what some scientists believe are an act of whale self immolation. Dying by the literal hundreds, these majestic sea mammals are now collateral damage of non-deep thinkers gone awry on the stage of the environment.

Searching for easy answers that suit their sordid, nihilistic views of humans, environmentalists are again turning their attention to it being August – the prime time of hot, unforgiving, summer months in the United States.

As is apparent, once again the brain trust of stupid ideas is oozing out of that same cadre that gave you the previous twenty-six paragraphs.

Because of the lack of intellectual curiosity available in both the Fourth and Fifth Estates, “news” stories from 2016 are being exhumed to pretend they are fresh from the vine; they are not.

May 2, 2016, was the day an article appeared in with the title How a Giant Space Umbrella Could Fight Global Warming.

Not to disappoint, the brief article examined how this goofy idea was gaining acceptance from the likes of the European Union, and the Royal Society to NASA. “It’s even roused the interest of the most respected authority on global warming, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.” That doesn’t make me feel any better, though.

A new study lays out the theoretical plan of tethering a giant solar shield to a captured space rock. Potentially, this contraption could protect Earth from the [sun] sic,” reads a week-old story from

As is evident, this hare-brained idea is not new, nor novel. It is like much highway debris known as road-gators. Those are the annoying pieces of retread-tires that wind up on American highways that closely resemble lurking alligators in a macadam swamp.

Understanding the concept of the Sun’s role in life on Earth is critical to devising a plan to block its powerful rays from reaching our planet. Many of the ideas floated herein are clearly disconnected from the reality of life the way environmentalism would like to see the Earth in the future.

Recall those aforementioned rechargeable phones, computers, electronic vehicles, solar roof panels, among other forced plans for future lifestyles. If that solar umbrella is, indeed, created and inserted between the sun and the Earth, how will we mere, dumb humans be able to charge and recharge our solar appliances, or allow our important food to grow?

There you have it. We’re clearly moving away from tried and true clean, efficient means of producing renewable energy. Unfortunately, too many non-deep thinkers are reinventing the wheel. And they’re all flat.