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Monday, August 29, 2022

World Peace

 For as long as I can remember, debates have been spinning around how to achieve and maintain something universally elusive: world peace.


Before we can further plod into attaining world peace, we need to define it – and that is as difficult to distinguish as it is identify.


Rather than characterizing “peace,” let’s do some inverse analysis.  War is different from conflict, conflict is different from unrest, and unrest is different from disorder.  So, what exactly is peace?


According to, “There are 10 official wars and 8 active military conflicts recognized by the United States, right now.  There are also violent conflicts involving 64 countries and 576 militias and separatist groups.”


That’s a lot of anger that is generating plenty of death and mayhem.  But is an absence of fighting, “peace?”


Some further examination suggests “no.”  Today’s current political climate in the United States finds us in a daily situation in which people quickly take sides on not only simple debate, but legislative matters, civil behavior, and even the number of sexes in nature.


As a product of the Baby Boomer generation, I can speak with authority that our country was just coming off several brutal years of World War I and World War II, when the Korean Conflict and the Vietnam War ensued.


Americans were tired of fighting, while Gold Star parents were on the rise.  Newly minted high school and college teachers and professors – many of whom were the yield of anti-war liberals – began teaching our next generation about the “imperialistic” manifestations of colonial America and its allies.


Such self-destructive notions began creating a sort of “parallel society” with the demise of prayer in schools, the rise of “the me” culture, and the ultimate replacement for everyone’s attention: global cooling.


As is evident, global cooling was debunked, only to be replaced by global warming.  That, too, morphed into a more nebulous religion-substitute: climate change after following the science failed to prove their swill.


Almost immediately, the lost souls in need of a cause began finding answers for anything and everything in the weather.  Please read that last sentence again.


Flooding caused by altered weather patterns, hurricanes, tornadoes, forest fires, tidal waves, even earthquakes, became the alleged results of man and civilization, all of which without question or debate became the new religion promoted by Leftists and weak-minded school children along with compliant teachers and parents.


Simple inclement weather – such as snowstorms – became news items warning of dire times in the very near future caused by human disregard and mistreatment of our sacred planet, while regular spans of hot, summer temps are touted as the product of bad human stewardship.


Effortless thinking by reporters and newly minted scientists and uncredentialed, self-proclaimed environmental experts, was splashed across social media as gospel to be used in furthering the narrative about our dying planet, no debate necessary.


In fact, if anyone brought up a climate-related item for debate, discussion not acknowledging permanent destruction of Earth is viewed as lies and fake news, and therefore censored.  There’s no room for honest dialog.  Amen.


All this makes for a good smoke and mirror show, but it has no substance; even more disturbing, it has no end so, we will NEVER reach an end to the manufactured hoopla and regulations – not unlike the pandemic hype still circulating.


In an effort to “go along to get along,” many people simply ignore the eco-terror, or remain silent upon being confronted with “official” dire warnings and threats of imminent extinction.


This is about the time you’re asking yourself, “How does this pertain to world peace?”


Please read on.


To keep the pressure and fear fresh, Democratic operatives – now firmly entrenched in the Biden Administration along with schools – regularly publicly pontificate, pretending to be experts in any subject about which they are speaking.


Recently, the familiar goose-stepping lackeys composed of Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Sandy Ocasio-Cortez plus the rest of The Squad, and John Kerry, have been making the rounds encouraging all Americans to buy and use renewable energy products.


Those renewable energy products include solar panels and windmills, both of which are as unreliable as the weather, on which they rely to produce electricity.


Enter the Department of Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, to set the record straight.  Granholm is a lawyer who made a name for herself as a Michigan Attorney General, eventually finding her way into the Michigan Guvnor’s office.


She appears to have a demonstrated knack for regularly choosing the wrong solution for the wrong problem in Michigan schools and treasury.  And as Energy Secretary, she is continuing her questionable track record.


Not necessarily anyone’s idea of a gold standard, Granholm’s effort to, once again, solve a problem is missing the mark.


Since her occupation of the Department of Energy, Granholm has witnessed Americans suffering nose-bleed fuel prices, doubling in most cases, while she literally laughs at questions on her efforts to get them under control.


Appearing on a Sunday news talk show on August 21st, Granholm proudly offered her best solution for people – the average American who cannot afford current gas prices or much of anything else in this inflation-affected economy – simply buy solar panels.  ‘Nuff said.


While discussing the much-applauded $437,000,000,000 climate change bill, just signed by her boss Joseph Robinette Biden, Granholm averred Americans needing financial relief should merely buy $20,000 worth of solar panels in order to save a lofty 30% woven into the aforementioned bill.  What apartment dwellers should do was left unanswered.


Using words such as “significant incentive” and “reducing costs for people,” Granholm has clearly proven she is out-of-touch with Americans and America, itself.


But it was Friday, August 19th, on a Voice of America News show, that Granholm confirmed her status as a non-Mensa member.  It was during this interview when she blurted out possibly her best deep reasoning, ever.


She proudly stated “No one ever weaponized access to the sun.  No one ever weaponized the wind.”


There you have it.  Continued use of any fuel source except renewable energy will preclude the world from achieving the so-elusive world peace.


With America’s ardent, painful exercise to punish its citizens for using fossil fuels, Jennifer Granholm sees nothing but good times and prosperity and world peace.


Let’s hope she finds a new job for which she may be qualified: scraping gum off sidewalks. Sooner rather than later would be beneficial to all Americans.