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Monday, December 27, 2021

The Best They Have to Offer

 Vice President Kamala Harris is genuinely hard to describe.


She is a lawyer of mixed race, with her father Donald, being Jamaican and her late mother Shyamala Harris being of Indian extraction.

The easily amused Vice President Kamala Harris

Harris was born and reared in California and, after a lifetime of public service (Read: Sucking on the guvment teat,) she was elected as President Joseph Robinette Biden’s second-in-command in 2020.


Her claim to fame was her super-efficiency in prosecuting drug cases as Attorney General of California, and preceding Senator Barbara Boxer as one of California’s two Senators.  Her two lifetime jobs were lawyer and politician.


On paper, Harris is an astounding figure in every field she enters.  Just ask her.


While on the vice presidential campaign trail she made several high-profile statements.  One was calling then-VP Biden “a racist,” another appearance including one on a popular radio show.  There, she was engaged by the host’s question about her personally smoking marijuana.


“I think it gives a lot of people joy, and we need more joy,” she said during that interview.  When asked if she ever smoked herself, Harris admitted to smoking a joint in college, and used her normal annoying laugh to verbally sidestep her honest answer.


Her response was one which should have disqualified her from any federal position, much less one requiring a Top Secret security clearance – the use of illegal drugs.  But she had a way around this imprudence.


Alas, her special privilege “trump cards” consisting of Indian and Black races, gender, and interracial marriage, all helped her wade through her cesspool of admissions about past illegalities.  It’s one thing to participate in indiscretions; it’s quite another to put people in prison - punishing others for those same indiscretions.


Democrats and Blacks and people of color seemed delighted to vote for “the first” Black woman vice president – damn the critics and evidence.  This was suddenly identity politics.


Upon her assuming office January 20, 2021, she hit the ground running with inane trips to Vermont to visit a yarn shop, and most mainstream media staged these trips as if she was impersonating an exhibit in a sideshow.


Unlike Vice President Mike Pence, President Donald Trump’s second-in-command, Harris was offered softball questions about her upcoming engagements and expectations of the job.


Pence was skewered with national security-related questions and policy decisions over which he had little or no input or control.  Harris, on the other hand, was peppered with gushing remarks concerning her idol-like status as first Black woman VP over which she relished.


Such behavior bordered on embarrassing during a time which the national elections’ validity appeared to be in question.  While this sugar-coated banter portrayed Harris and Biden in a soft, favorable light, ignorant politicians like Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi continued their vindictive, punitive attacks on Donald Trump and his supporters.


That smokescreen was enabled part and parcel by the mainstream media, social media, and late-night “comedians,” all of whom were delighted in their attempt to impeach a past president for lies perpetrated by former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.


Harris’ boss, Joe Biden, was busy shutting down our seemingly endless supply of fossil fuels, and simultaneously opening up our southern border to an endless supply of alien invaders.


COVID-19, the flu virus that paralyzed the world in 2019, was now the surrogate child of the Biden Administration.  On Inauguration Day, Biden promised the end of the COVID pandemic with his brilliant plan of wearing N-95 masks and social distancing 6-feet apart.  Of course, this was only a temporary measure to last 100-days.  Period.


Nearly a year later we are still wearing masks with medical charlatans spouting misinformation regarding both the cure of COVID flu and its lame prophylaxis as facts.


It seems odd that former President Trump was vilified and permanently banned from social media for those exact reasons.  Too bad those reasons don’t now apply.  But I digress.


Days after his inauguration, Biden opened the southern borders to any and all who wanted a life in America.  Free food, housing, medical care, schooling, transportation,

cell phones, and the like, were promised to anyone entering the United States illegally.


Before long, nearly two-million unskilled, illiterate, needy immigrants poured across the border in hopes of a better life, free from rampant crime and political persecution.


American authorities were quickly overwhelmed with uncontrollable throngs of lawless ‘invaders’ who immediately became a burden to our border states and their inhabitants.


President Biden placed VP Harris in charge of that crisis.  But it was months before she even stepped into Air Force Two to head south.  In fact, upon arrival, she stepped onto the runway and gave some inane remark before quickly climbing back aboard to leave.


She offered a lame excuse why she never approached the border itself: she was soon to travel to deep South America to uncover the “root problem” of this mass migration of illegal entrants.


Her phony Latin America trip took her to Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and Mexico, where she concluded the root cause of that northern migration was lack of money.  She returned to ask for billions of dollars in aid to those countries to prevent further illegal border crossings.


It didn’t work or solve anything except to lighten the wallets of hard-working Americans who were footing this asinine Harris scam.


During this 2021 Christmas season, Harris is focused on Kwanzaa celebrations.  “As families across the United States light red, black, and green candles of the Kinara this week, our family sends our wishes and blessings for a happy and healthy new year,” she Tweeted.


But just weeks prior to Christmas, Harris’ staff largely began a great exodus from her clutches.  With claims of anger, incompetence, and ineptness – with the fingers pointed by Harris herself – her previously loyal cadre seemed eager to escape Kamala’s apparent sinking ship of fools.


While appearing on CBS News’ “Face the Nation,” the Vice President was asked “about the one national security threat that keeps her up at night worrying,” according to a New York Post story.

Always one to deflect, Harris offered, “Frankly, one of them is our democracy.”  Sure.


This coming from the Democrat Party who tried to destroy America by lying about false evidence from Russia, a possible stolen election, and an impeachment of a duly elected president, proved what most Americans surmised about Kamala Harris:  She’s as stupid as that fake, nervous laugh of hers.


I’m certain she was promised this position because she could go down in history as the America’s first Black, woman, Indian president of the United States.  And that she was virtually guaranteed this promise because her boss was too frail and incoherent to finish four-years on-the-job.


Her promotion to President was a lead pipe cinch in the making; just don’t create any waves along the way seem to be her instructions to reach that goal.


Unfortunately, Harris has been given what appears as a free ride throughout her guvment career and, like that Cocker Spaniel puppy that pees on the living room carpet, she doesn’t know any better.


And although her nose has been repeatedly rubbed into the shag carpet, she will continue to do what she wants without punitive measures.  Unfortunately, her dismal approval ratings of 28% should be a good barometer of her performance and likeability.  Maybe not.


Perhaps it’s her affirmative action road to the White House, perhaps it’s her false confidence, perhaps it’s her misplaced arrogance or perhaps it’s her laughable ignorance.  But now is the time for a good attitude adjustment and a lesson in how to laugh with sincerity.