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Monday, January 11, 2021

Public Service Announcement

Just last week I needed to break my house arrest – uh, quarantine – to shop for some absolute necessities. Toilet paper, paper towels, and rye whiskey, topped the list. 

While entering the stores I noticed a prominently displayed sign glued to the glass doors indicating masks were required before entering. Of course, I had mine, as did my sainted wife. We snapped the elastic straps behind our ears and went in to help the economy. But then… 

It didn’t take but a nanosecond to detect the blatant lack of masks by so many shoppers. Most of those tattooed mask miscreants had ample time to don hair curlers, camouflage britches, and pink fuzzy slippers; the women were dressed to the nines, as well. 

I did my best to glare at them in an effort to shame them, but it wasn’t long before I realized they were likely too stupid to read the sign. Maybe they were illiterate; in any case, they should have been accosted by the equally clueless loss-prevention security guards. 

Clearly they weren’t stopped at the door so, perhaps the COVID-19 crisis was over. But no. 

In an effort to stem the seemingly out-of-control tide of breathlessly issued statistics about the number of cases, number of ventilators, and number of deaths, I’d like to take this opportunity to offer this space and time as a public service announcement. 

To curtail the spread of COVID-19, the following pictures should help stop this pandemic.
This wearer is sure where her mouth is located. Unfortunately she is unaware air enters and leaves through her nose. This is wrong.
This wearer is unclear as to where his mouth and nose are located. This is wrong.
Smokey the Cat is demonstrating the proper way to wear a mask. This is correct. 

Herein ends the instructive segment for another week. Take care, be safe, and you’re welcome.