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Monday, November 23, 2020

Virginia is for Losers


I’m always ready for a good laugh.  A fellow with whom I used to work, Mike, had a virtual quiver full of them.  It was a pleasure to run across Mike and hear a joke to make me chuckle.


Alas, upon my retirement, Mike and I went different ways and the jokes stopped.  Almost.


While reading a recent copy of the USA Today, a humorous rag in and of itself, I ran across yet another story in the Land of Northam.


The Land of Northam is a place sandwiched between the People’s Republic of Maryland and North Carolina.  More readily recognizable as the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Land of Northam should be the new name in honor of another pandering Democratic clown.


Guvnor Ralph Northam, leader of Virginia – not unlike that of a third world banana republic – is forever on the search for ways to lie and pander.  He lies to the general populace who pay their taxes and hence, their bills; he also panders to the malcontents who pay nothing but know where the government teat is.


This is where we begin our weekly trip through the proverbial looking glass.  Not unlike Alice in Wonderland, Guvnor Northam is making things in a perfectly fine state go from good to bad, rather than bad to good.


Evidence abounds in this East Coast land of over 8,000,000 voters that Guvnor Northam is contorting facts into falsehoods to further his own distorted objectives.  I personally believe it is to pave his way to a presidential run in the near future.  But I digress.


A few recent past stories delved into Northam’s shenanigans over his wearing blackface, and his desire to disarm legal firearm owners.  The result of these successful campaigns only paved the way for more of the same overreaching to distort the line of sanity.


The entitlement crowd reached his ear and helped him draw a line to connect-the-dots of safety-for-all.  Unfortunately his mental weakness found lines drawing a picture of safety-for-none.


Virginia House Bill 5058 may not seem important to anyone living outside the Old Dominion.  But those people would be wrong, too.


HB 5058 is a bill entitled “Marijuana and certain traffic offenses; issuing citations, etc."

At first blush it would appear to be a good thing.  Without reading the bill itself, addressing certain traffic stops might behoove society-at-large.


Once again, one would be wrong.


HB 5058 is another Northam Brain Trust idea that made its sordid way through the system in an effort to stifle safety for votes.


Yeah, the title “Marijuana and certain traffic offenses; issuing citations, etc," would make you think this is just another example of inane action from a state senate trying to appear to earn its money.  But you would be wrong, again.


This bill is designed to prevent police – read that again – from stopping vehicles not using headlights after dark.  It also addresses other issues regarding stopping vehicles for multiple equipment violations to include illegal tint, non-working taillights, expired registration, and non-working exhaust.


Neatly packed therein is a provision for exemption from stopping pedestrians from jaywalking and walking into hard-to-see highway situations.  If I had an emoji key I would insert a thumbs-up one here as an example of sarcasm.


After some contemplative thought, I can only logically reason the purpose of this rollback of safety measures is to pander to those in society who cannot follow rules and laws.


Not stopping cars with serious equipment violation would not make our highways safer; rather these bone-headed measures would imperil everyone else on our roads.  Don’t believe me?


I lived in the Old Dominion since the mid-‘70’s.  Back then – and I mean 1970’s, not 1870’s – vehicle inspections were a semi-annual annoyance whose primary roll served as a revenue generator.


After decades of lobbying and common sense, those inspections were generously modified to once-per-year at a benefit for less-than-affluent drivers.  Cries of woe circulated about the airwaves and media in a Chicken Little fashion.  Predictions of death traps plying the public roadways would take countless lives, alas, never materialized.


Fast-forward to today.  Those measures to keep Virginia extra safe suddenly vanished.  And now Guvnor Northam wants to repeal these all-important safety measures because they directly affect a specialized segment of Virginia that refuses to assimilate because of some misperceived slight.  You know who they are.  Wink, wink.


Instead of growing a spine for law-abiding citizens Guvnor Ralph Northam is fertilizing a more lawless society in which the dregs win once again.  And while this could be a joke worthy of my buddy Mike, it is not a joke and not funny.


Thanks, Guvnor.