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Monday, November 6, 2017


It was 2:36 AM on the alarm clock.  Those red numerals indicated to me I should be sleeping.  Rather I was awake with my mind racing toward a non-existent finish line.

Often these times in mid-night I begin my conscious time with an earworm.  An earworm is that song that rattles around your cranium and can’t be shaken.

But last night was different.

Just as with pretty much else we’ve been programmed to believe, movie stars and starlets, athletes, and everyday talk show hosts, have felt compelled to give America their opinions.

So it was last night that I spent my waking time wondering what Chelsea Handler and George Clooney thought about the goings-on in our country.  Yeah, sure.

Not George Clooney

After all, Clooney is a television-turned-movie actor who can’t seem to grasp the concept of a free election.  He seems to think the Hollywood elite should vote – much as for vacuous awards already given to his fellow pretenders – for our politicians.  This way, Clooney and his ilk would be assured no one with clear vision and the truth would ever be representing people like me.

Handler is, well, a not-funny comedienne who recently quit her job with Netflix to become more socially active.  She’s another show biz kook who presumes to know more about America’s needs than America itself.  She wants to whine until President Trump resigns.

Of course, that is not the way our representative republic works.  All this verve now gives those unemployed stars and has-beens a cause.  Half-baked singers and comedy writers are canceling what regular work they have just to work for what they term “social matters.”  Yeah!

For your information, the claim to fame for most of those chomping-at-the-bit Hollywood narcissists is the fact they likely slept their way to their once-famous roles.  That fact does not give them the right to lecture or dictate anything to me.

Still, they feel the need to help me make my decisions about who should be elected to public office.

Clooney and his verbose buddies are meaningless to me, and hold no sway with me.  This makes it timely to tell those know-it-all media whores to cease and desist. 

Their opinions are theirs and theirs alone.  Unfortunately, too many weak-minded fellow Americans are easily influenced by these desperate wanna-bes.

Here’s the rub: the day Clooney and Handler, and Rosie and Whoopie and Joyce, and all those late night hosts call to ask me about my thoughts, I’ll begin to listen to them.

Otherwise, please sit your unimportant butts down and shut up.  Thanks.