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Monday, January 12, 2015

Random Thoughts III

Once again it is time for more of these brain rattlers to come pouring out in the form of “Random Thoughts.”  Let’s visit these teasers together.

  • Why do microwave ovens have lights that turn on while cooking?
  • Too many shoppers confuse me for the doorman simply because I politely hold the door for them; now they don’t have to say, “Thank you.”
  • It’s odd that no one in the current administration can use the word “terrorist.”
  • Speaking of which, how do you say, “Hands up, don’t shoot!” in French?
  • Is there so much racial disparity in America that we can’t find five white guys to play basketball, or half-dozen black guys to play ice hockey?
  • Why are all the marathons won by people from African nations?
  • How is it that my guest sofa bed is the most comfortable in the world?
  • Who gets to name things like the ‘polar vortex?’
  • Don’t politicians know that they are on the public dole because they are incapable of making a living in the private sector?
  • All those whiners that complain they can’t save for retirement, but buy motorcycles and go-carts as toys, deserve to live in squalor when they reach 65.
  • Where is all the .22 LR ammunition?
  • Rather than the mechanics of a condom, schools need to teach kids how to use a trash can.
  • Why don’t any lamp timers keep time?
  • Is it a law that every guy has to pee on the floor in a public bathroom?
  • Do cats and dogs get bored eating the same dry crunchy food day-in and day-out?
  • Why not give a breeding pair of extinct animals to farmers?  They seem to be able to keep the chicken and beef populations in control and on grocery store shelves.
  • It is so cold that politicians have their hands in their own pockets.
  • Why don’t stores retire those shopping carts with the wobbly wheels?
  • “Tire rotation” is a bad term since they rotate automatically when you drive.
  • How come a soldier can’t carry a gun while stateside, but can be trusted with all sorts of destructive devices elsewhere?
  • If Canadians have such a great health care system, why do they come here for medical treatment?
  • How did Americans get so stupid?  Just channeling Jonathan Gruber’s thoughts.
  • Santa Clau – er – President Obama wants to goad Congress into giving away free college educations.  Where is this guy getting all this money?
  • When did the Ferguson riots become my fault merely because I’m white?  I’ve never been to Ferguson and have no desire to go there.
  • All vehicles are required, by law, to have air-bags but, they were purchased from a company that doesn’t make air-bags that work.  Hmmm.
  • Where is that Malaysian plane?
  • Is Sears still in business?  If so, it shouldn’t be.
  • A string of LED Christmas lights – the ones that last 10,000 hours – is already kaput.  They lied.
  • If I have to wear a seatbelt for safety, why don’t motorcyclists have to wear helmets for safety?
  • A fishing license doesn’t mean I know how to fish anymore than a driver’s license means you know how to drive.
  • Those signs that say “Slower traffic keep right,” means your other right.
  • I wonder if Lance Armstrong rides his bike to work.