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Monday, December 8, 2014


We’re well amid the Christmas season where people like me are desperately searching for gift ideas.
My sainted wife claims she has everything she needs – except a young, virile cabana boy – so, shopping for her is arduous, at best.
I, on the other hand, can use practically everything, including a brassier.  My man boobs are often dwarfed by those of acquaintances but, I could still use a training bra.  But, I digress.
Watching late-night television the other night caused me to catch an ad for a giant, pajama-type wrap that contained footies to keep your tootsies toasty.  It was sold as “one size fits all.”
This 60-second spot showed both men and women lounging about with bowls of food and apparently watching TV.  In essence, these are thin sleeping bags with arms and legs.
The Snuggies appear to be geared toward folks who have ample television-watching time on their hands, are too morbidly obese to wear PJ’s, or are simply out of Christmas gift ideas.
Some serious thought came to me at this point.  During the last commercial break seven-minutes earlier, an Australian-accented guy was trying to sell me a genuine imitation chamois cloth made from synthetic fibers.
It seems this ShamWow! rag is banned from the Great Lakes area.  If it happens to fall in to a lake, it is just too absorbent to be safe and ensure any water will be left.
After a thorough wash, the video salesman dried an entire Buick in nine seconds!  He sopped up spilled beverages of all types and after a quick wringing-out, he implied Moses didn’t part the Red Sea.  Rather, Moses used one of these shmatas to do the job and, for only $12.99 plus shipping and handling.
Here is where my grey matter kicks-in.  Normally known as “The Idea Guy,” I often come up with really terrific ideas that are the envy of everyone else too lazy to patent them.
I enjoy watching hours of NASCAR, football (not soccer) games, and baseball.  The most annoying part of all these events, aside from the relentless commercials, is the bathroom break time.
My sainted wife will espy me making my way from the bathroom and immediately recall an inane task that absolutely must be completed RIGHT NOW!
She thinks that since I am taking a break from the TV action, I am disinterested in the goings-on in the sports venue from which I just broke.  She thinks wrong.  But, this is not the time for an argument.
Now if I could only buy twelve of those super absorbent towels and configure a pattern of sorts, I could sew them into one of those over-sized pajama loungers with the footies.
Allow me to explain.  Not only would one of the homemade garments work well for me, allowing me to avoid those pesky bathroom breaks, it would also be beneficial to those folks targeted by the PJ wrap merchants.
Of course this is where you are likely trying to figure out how to invest this stellar plan.
Sorry, but I work alone and count my money the same way.  Just keep your eyes open for a late-night ad for the “Snug-Wow!”  And, my sainted wife’s eyes will light up with delight when she receives the prototype as a Christmas gift.