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Monday, October 28, 2013


So, a newly-injected word is driving me crazy.  It seems as though nearly everyone in public is beginning their statements with the word “so.”
So, I’m not sure why this phenomenon is occurring or why it began in the first place, but it is.
So, I am assuming this spoken word is actually “so” and not “sew,” which would otherwise make this a so-and-sew.
So, a few years ago, I had a summer intern assigned to me who aptly pointed out the number of people using the words “I’ll tell you what!”
So, this young, smart puke felt compelled to tell me that while watching NASCAR races he noted the phrase, “I’ll tell you what!” was used dozens of times by race commentators.
Anxiously counting and paying better attention, I noticed “I’ll tell you what!” was also often interjected during golf matches, judge shows, and the news.
So, we decided to turn this exercise into a game and count each time we heard the words “I’ll tell you what!”  When together, we would do a 'high five' each time that phrase was injected.  It wasn't long before we sported blisters on our hands.  Privately, we kept a log of utterances.  Nonetheless, the intern went back to Wisconsin before a winner in our little challenge could be declared.  I think it was me.  But, I digress.
So, at a summer hearing for some of our IRS bullies, each one of these Fifth Amendment huggers – who failed to protect any of my Constitutional rights – began each of their statements with “So.”
“So, I didn’t know that screwing Americans by holding up conservative tax-exempt status was illegal.  So, we did this to 1,844 right-wing groups…we also did this to 3 left-wing groups.  So, it was the same burden.  So what?” was the way these hearings went, more or less.  Please check official transcripts for the exact lies told to Congress.
So, perhaps all these professional speakers are actually demonstrating their intellect by starting with “So.”
So, maybe they are not the brilliant orators they think they are repeatedly using the same word over and over and over, ad nauseum.
So, possibly the folks who positioned these point men and women aren’t actually listening to them and failed to notice the word “so” may be being overused.  So?
So, even an eye witness to a local crime recently and stately said, “So, he jump into da hoopty wit a gun.  I yell, ‘So, where you be goin?’  So he say, ‘I catch up wit you later, player.’”  Again, please check official transcripts for the exact verbiage.
So, the English language is chock full of words with which to begin sentences and, unless I missed the introduction of a new law requiring it, beginning each declaration with “So,” becomes annoying.  I’ll tell you what!